By Vexen Crabtree 2013
Uruguay Oriental Republic of Uruguay | ![]() |
Status | Independent State |
Social and Moral Index | 30th best |
Capital | Montevideo |
Land Area | 175 020km21 |
Location | South America, The Americas |
Population | 3.4m2 |
Life Expectancy | 75.44yrs (2017)3 |
GNI | $21 269 (2017)4 |
ISO3166-1 Codes | UY, URY, 8585 |
Internet Domain | .uy6 |
Currency | Peso (UYU)7 |
Telephone | +5988 |
“Montevideo, founded by the Spanish in 1726 as a military stronghold, soon took advantage of its natural harbor to become an important commercial center. Claimed by Argentina but annexed by Brazil in 1821, Uruguay declared its independence four years later and secured its freedom in 1828 after a three-year struggle. The administrations of President Jose BATLLE in the early 20th century established widespread political, social, and economic reforms that established a statist tradition. A violent Marxist urban guerrilla movement named the Tupamaros, launched in the late 1960s, led Uruguay's president to cede control of the government to the military in 1973. By yearend, the rebels had been crushed, but the military continued to expand its hold over the government. Civilian rule was not restored until 1985. In 2004, the left-of-center Frente Amplio Coalition won national elections that effectively ended 170 years of political control previously held by the Colorado and Blanco parties. Uruguay's political and labor conditions are among the freest on the continent.”
CIA's The World Factbook (2013)9
“Uruguay is a backpacker´s dream. Travelers come for the wild, surf-pounded beaches, for celeb-spotting at Punta and the history-soaked smugglers´ port of Colonia. Wedged like a grape between Brazil´s gargantuan thumb and Argentina´s long forefinger, South America´s smallest Spanish-speaking country has always been an underdog. Bypassed by the Spanish for its lack of mineral wealth, batted about like a ping-pong ball at the whim of its more powerful neighbors and neglected by many modern-day travelers, Uruguay remains a delightfully low-key, hospitable place where visitors can melt into the background - whether caught in a cow-and-gaucho traffic jam on a dirt road to nowhere or strolling with mate-toting locals along Montevideo´s beachfront.
Short-term visitors will find plenty to keep them busy in cosmopolitan Montevideo, picturesque Colonia and party-till-you-drop Punta del Este. But if you've got time, dig a little deeper. Go wildlife-watching along the Atlantic coast, hot-spring-hopping up the Río Uruguay, or horseback riding under the big sky of Uruguay's vast interior, where fields spread out like oceans dotted with little cow and eucalyptus islands.”
#economics #human_development #wealth
UN HDI (2021)11 | ||
Pos. | Higher is better Value11 | |
1 | Switzerland | 0.962 |
2 | Norway | 0.961 |
3 | Iceland | 0.959 |
... | ||
55 | Bahamas | 0.812 |
56 | Kazakhstan | 0.811 |
57 | Trinidad & Tobago | 0.810 |
58= | Uruguay | 0.809 |
58= | Costa Rica | 0.809 |
60 | Belarus | 0.808 |
61 | Panama | 0.805 |
62 | Malaysia | 0.803 |
The Americas Avg | 0.75 | |
World Avg | 0.72 | |
q=191. |
Gross National Income Per-Capita (2021)11 | ||
Pos. | Higher is better PPP $11 | |
1 | Liechtenstein | $146 830 |
2 | Singapore | $90 919 |
3 | Qatar | $87 134 |
... | ||
60 | Bulgaria | $23 079 |
61 | Guyana | $22 465 |
62 | Mauritius | $22 025 |
63 | Uruguay | $21 269 |
64 | Argentina | $20 925 |
65 | Montenegro | $20 839 |
66 | Costa Rica | $19 974 |
67 | Serbia | $19 123 |
The Americas Avg | $16 628 | |
World Avg | $20 136 | |
q=193. |
Social & Moral Development Index12 | ||
Pos. | Lower is better Avg Rank12 | |
1 | Denmark | 28.3 |
2 | Norway | 28.5 |
3 | Finland | 31.7 |
... | ||
27 | Hungary | 51.8 |
28 | Portugal | 53.0 |
29 | Monaco | 53.0 |
30 | Uruguay | 53.7 |
31 | Malta | 54.1 |
32 | Poland | 54.3 |
33 | Slovakia | 56.3 |
34 | Costa Rica | 56.5 |
The Americas Avg | 83.5 | |
World Avg | 87.1 | |
q=196. |
The United Nations produces an annual Human Development Report which includes the Human Development Index. The factors taken into account include life expectancy, education and schooling and Gross National Income (GNI) amongst many others..
The Social and Moral Development Index concentrates on moral issues and human rights, violence, public health, equality, tolerance, freedom and effectiveness in climate change mitigation and environmentalism, and on some technological issues. A country scores higher for achieving well in those areas, and for sustaining that achievement in the long term. Those countries towards the top of this index can truly said to be setting good examples and leading humankind onwards into a bright, humane, and free future. See: Which are the Best Countries in the World? The Social and Moral Development Index.
#birth_control #demographics #health #immigration #life_expectancy #longevity #migration #overpopulation #population
Uruguay's population is predicted to rise to 3.601 million by 2030. This country has a fertility rate of 2.05. The fertility rate is, in simple terms, the average amount of children that each woman has. The higher the figure, the quicker the population is growing, although, to calculate the rate you also need to take into account morbidity, i.e., the rate at which people die. If people live healthy and long lives and morbidity is low, then, 2.0 approximates to the replacement rate, which would keep the population stable. If all countries had such a fertility rate, population growth would end. The actual replacement rate in most developed countries is around 2.1.Population2 | ||
Pos. | 2018 Population2 | |
1 | China | 1.4b |
2 | India | 1.4b |
3 | USA | 327.1m |
... | ||
130 | Moldova | 4.1m |
131 | Georgia | 4.0m |
132 | Eritrea | 3.5m |
133 | Uruguay | 3.4m |
134 | Bosnia & Herzegovina | 3.3m |
135 | Mongolia | 3.2m |
136 | Armenia | 3.0m |
137 | Jamaica | 2.9m |
World Avg | 39.0m | |
q=195. |
Life Expectancy Higher is better11 | ||
Pos. | 2021 Years11 | |
1 | Monaco | 85.9 |
2 | Hong Kong | 85.5 |
3 | Japan | 84.8 |
... | ||
54 | Montenegro | 76.3 |
55 | Panama | 76.2 |
56 | Turkey | 76.0 |
57 | Uruguay | 75.4 |
58 | Argentina | 75.4 |
59 | Bosnia & Herzegovina | 75.3 |
60 | Lebanon | 75.0 |
61 | Grenada | 74.9 |
World Avg | 71.28 | |
q=195. |
Fertility Rate 2.0 is best13 | ||
Pos. | 201313 | |
1 | N. Korea | 2.00 |
2 | Brunei | 1.99 |
3 | St Vincent & Grenadines | 2.01 |
4 | France | 1.99 |
5 | Turkey | 2.04 |
6 | Australia | 1.96 |
7 | Uruguay | 2.05 |
8 | Norway | 1.95 |
9 | Myanmar (Burma) | 1.95 |
10 | Indonesia | 2.07 |
11 | Sweden | 1.93 |
12 | Tunisia | 1.93 |
World Avg | 2.81 | |
q=180. |
Old-Age Dependency Ratio Lower is better14 | ||
Pos. | 2016 Per 10014 | |
1 | Uganda | 04.3 |
2 | Mali | 04.5 |
3= | Chad | 04.7 |
... | ||
129 | Moldova | 24.7 |
130 | China | 25.3 |
131 | Mauritius | 25.9 |
132 | Uruguay | 26.8 |
133 | Cyprus | 26.9 |
134 | Chile | 27.0 |
135 | Macedonia | 27.7 |
136 | Luxembourg | 28.3 |
World Avg | 18.3 | |
q=185. |
Immigrants15 | ||
Pos. | 2017 %15 | |
1 | UAE | 88.4% |
2 | Kuwait | 75.5% |
3 | Qatar | 65.2% |
... | ||
116 | Swaziland | 2.4% |
117 | Ecuador | 2.4% |
118 | Paraguay | 2.4% |
119 | Uruguay | 2.3% |
120 | Mauritius | 2.3% |
121 | Benin | 2.3% |
122 | S. Korea | 2.3% |
123 | Cameroon | 2.2% |
World Avg | 9.4% | |
q=195. |
Emigrants16 | ||
Pos. | 2010 %16 | |
1 | Dominica | 104.8% |
2 | Palestine | 68.4% |
3 | Samoa | 67.3% |
... | ||
63 | Mexico | 10.7% |
64 | Andorra | 10.7% |
65 | Liberia | 10.5% |
66 | Uruguay | 10.5% |
67 | Hong Kong | 10.2% |
68 | Dominican Rep. | 10.1% |
69 | Zimbabwe | 9.9% |
70 | Haiti | 9.9% |
World Avg | 11.5% | |
q=192. |
#canada #equality #gender_equality #human_rights #international_law #morals #politics #prejudice #tolerance #Uruguay #uruguay_human_rights
Human Rights, Equality & Tolerance (2020)17 | ||
Pos. | Lower is better Avg Rank17 | |
1 | Sweden | 9.0 |
2 | Norway | 14.5 |
3 | Denmark | 14.5 |
... | ||
13 | France | 24.7 |
14 | Germany | 24.8 |
15 | Belgium | 25.9 |
16 | Uruguay | 26.5 |
17 | UK | 26.6 |
18 | Spain | 28.2 |
The Americas Avg | 73.9 | |
World Avg | 87.9 | |
q=199. |
For tables, charts and commentary, see:
#alcohol #birth_control #demographics #health #life_expectancy #longevity #mental_health #obesity #overpopulation #parenting #population #smoking #suicide #vaccines
Compared to The Americas (2020)28 | ||
Pos. | Lower is better Avg Rank28 | |
1 | Antigua & Barbuda | 75.6 |
2= | Brazil | 82.1 |
3 | Cuba | 82.4 |
... | ||
25 | Honduras | 101.4 |
26 | Mexico | 102.6 |
27 | Bolivia | 103.4 |
28 | Uruguay | 103.6 |
29= | Guatemala | 103.8 |
30 | Jamaica | 106.6 |
31= | Belize | 107.1 |
32 | Dominican Rep. | 109.4 |
33 | Haiti | 111.4 |
The Americas Avg | 96.2 | |
q=35. |
Health (2020)28 | ||
Pos. | Lower is better Avg Rank28 | |
1 | Monaco | 13.0 |
2 | Hong Kong | 18.3 |
3 | Maldives | 41.0 |
... | ||
130 | Mexico | 102.6 |
131 | Montenegro | 102.8 |
132 | Bolivia | 103.4 |
133 | Uruguay | 103.6 |
134= | Guatemala | 103.8 |
134= | Afghanistan | 103.8 |
136 | Romania | 104.1 |
137= | Tonga | 104.1 |
World Avg | 93.5 | |
q=196. |
The countries with the best overall approach to public health, in terms of both public policy and individual lifestyle choices, are Monaco, Hong Kong and The Maldives29. These countries are worth emulating. And, although often through no fault of the average citizen, the worst countries are The Marshall Islands, S. Sudan and Palau29.
The data sets used to calculate points for each country are its average life expectancy, its alcohol consumption rate, its fertility rate, its smoking rate, its suicide rate, its food aid and health contributions and WHO compliance, the prevalence of overweight adults, its adolescent birth rate and its immunizations take-up. The regions with the best average results per country are Scandinavia, Asia and The Mediterranean29, whereas the worst are Micronesia, Australasia and Africa29.
For more, see:
Uruguay has some poor policies and cultural issues which cause some public health problems. Uruguay comes in the best 20 in its fertility rate13 (one of the lowest in The Americas). It does better than average when it comes to its average life expectancy11, its immunizations take-up30 and in its food aid and health contributions and WHO compliance31. But, there's bad news too. Uruguay does worse than average in its adolescent birth rate26, its smoking rate32 (one of the highest in The Americas) and in its alcohol consumption rate33 (one of the worst in The Americas). And finally, it sits amongst the bottom 20 in its suicide rate34 (one of the highest in The Americas). The number of overweight adults has increased by 14% during the last 40 years. Life expectancy in Uruguay improved by +4.3yrs in the 30 years from 1990, less than the global average of +7.9yrs.Life Expectancy Higher is better11 | ||
Pos. | 2021 Years11 | |
1 | Monaco | 85.9 |
2 | Hong Kong | 85.5 |
3 | Japan | 84.8 |
... | ||
54 | Montenegro | 76.3 |
55 | Panama | 76.2 |
56 | Turkey | 76.0 |
57 | Uruguay | 75.4 |
58 | Argentina | 75.4 |
59 | Bosnia & Herzegovina | 75.3 |
60 | Lebanon | 75.0 |
61 | Grenada | 74.9 |
The Americas Avg | 72.58 | |
World Avg | 71.28 | |
q=195. |
Alcohol Consumption Lower is better33 | ||
Pos. | 2016 Per Capita33 | |
1 | Bangladesh | 0.0 |
2 | Kuwait | 0.0 |
3 | Libya | 0.0 |
... | ||
157= | Australia | 10.6 |
158 | New Zealand | 10.7 |
159= | Finland | 10.7 |
160 | Uruguay | 10.8 |
161= | Cyprus | 10.8 |
162 | Serbia | 11.1 |
163 | Belarus | 11.2 |
164= | Andorra | 11.3 |
The Americas Avg | 6.9 | |
World Avg | 6.2 | |
q=189. |
Fertility Rate 2.0 is best13 | ||
Pos. | 201313 | |
1 | N. Korea | 2.00 |
2 | Brunei | 1.99 |
3 | St Vincent & Grenadines | 2.01 |
4 | France | 1.99 |
5 | Turkey | 2.04 |
6 | Australia | 1.96 |
7 | Uruguay | 2.05 |
8 | Norway | 1.95 |
9 | Myanmar (Burma) | 1.95 |
10 | Indonesia | 2.07 |
11 | Sweden | 1.93 |
12 | Tunisia | 1.93 |
The Americas Avg | 2.29 | |
World Avg | 2.81 | |
q=180. |
Smoking Rates Lower is better32 | ||
Pos. | 201432 | |
1 | Guinea | 15 |
2 | Solomon Islands | 26 |
3 | Kiribati | 28 |
... | ||
127 | Portugal | 1 113 |
128 | Moldova | 1 114 |
129 | Lithuania | 1 124 |
130 | Uruguay | 1 135 |
131 | Canada | 1 154 |
132 | Albania | 1 177 |
133 | Egypt | 1 188 |
134 | Vietnam | 1 215 |
The Americas Avg | 457 | |
World Avg | 819 | |
q=182. |
Suicide Rate34 | ||
Pos. | 2013 Per 100k34 | |
1 | Haiti | 0 |
2 | Grenada | 0 |
3 | Egypt | 0.1 |
... | ||
69 | Hong Kong | 29.7 |
70 | Poland | 30.5 |
71 | Austria | 30.9 |
72 | Uruguay | 32.3 |
73 | France | 33.2 |
74 | Moldova | 35.7 |
75 | Switzerland | 36.2 |
76 | Croatia | 36.4 |
The Americas Avg | 13.57 | |
World Avg | 20.93 | |
q=91. |
Food Aid, Health Contributions & WHO Compliance Lower is better31 | ||
Pos. | 2017 Rank31 | |
1 | Sweden | 1 |
2 | Ireland | 2 |
3 | Denmark | 3 |
... | ||
77 | Guatemala | 77 |
78 | Sri Lanka | 78 |
79 | Poland | 79 |
80 | Uruguay | 80 |
81 | Dominican Rep. | 81 |
82 | Zambia | 82 |
83 | Croatia | 83 |
84 | Indonesia | 84 |
The Americas Avg | 94.3 | |
World Avg | 82.0 | |
q=163. |
Overweight Adults Lower is better35 | ||
Pos. | 2016 %35 | |
1 | Vietnam | 18.3 |
2 | India | 19.7 |
3 | Bangladesh | 20.0 |
... | ||
154= | Czechia | 62.3 |
155 | Oman | 62.6 |
156 | Argentina | 62.7 |
157 | Uruguay | 62.9 |
158 | Chile | 63.1 |
159 | Venezuela | 63.4 |
160 | Egypt | 63.5 |
161= | Andorra | 63.7 |
The Americas Avg | 57.4 | |
World Avg | 49.0 | |
q=191. |
Children's Health:
Adolescent Birth Rate Lower is better26 | ||
Pos. | 2015 Per 100026 | |
1 | N. Korea | 0.5 |
2 | S. Korea | 1.6 |
3 | Switzerland | 2.9 |
... | ||
114 | St Lucia | 53.9 |
115 | Eritrea | 54.3 |
116 | Papua New Guinea | 54.8 |
117 | Uruguay | 56.1 |
118 | Costa Rica | 56.5 |
119 | Seychelles | 57.4 |
120 | Paraguay | 57.4 |
121 | Ethiopia | 58.4 |
The Americas Avg | 56.6 | |
World Avg | 47.9 | |
q=185. |
Infant Immunizations 2011-2015 Higher is better30 | ||
Pos. | 2015 Avg %30 | |
1= | Hungary | 99.0 |
1= | China | 99.0 |
3 | Uzbekistan | 98.9 |
... | ||
55 | Portugal | 95.7 |
56= | Qatar | 95.6 |
56= | Armenia | 95.6 |
58 | Uruguay | 95.6 |
59 | Bhutan | 95.6 |
60 | Turkey | 95.5 |
61 | Malta | 95.5 |
62 | Botswana | 95.4 |
The Americas Avg | 91.3 | |
World Avg | 88.3 | |
q=194. |
#biodiversity #climate_change #deforestation #energy #food #meat #over-exploitation #sustainability #the_environment #uruguay #veganism #vegetarianism
Compared to The Americas (2023)36 | ||
Pos. | Lower is better Avg Rank36 | |
1 | Uruguay | 48.0 |
2 | Peru | 48.2 |
3 | Costa Rica | 49.6 |
4 | Ecuador | 52.0 |
5 | Mexico | 53.2 |
6 | Canada | 53.4 |
7 | Venezuela | 58.0 |
8= | Colombia | 58.8 |
9 | Paraguay | 61.0 |
10 | Cuba | 64.7 |
11 | Belize | 65.3 |
12 | Brazil | 66.8 |
13 | El Salvador | 71.8 |
The Americas Avg | 80.1 | |
q=35. |
Responsibility Towards The Environment (2023)36 | ||
Pos. | Lower is better Avg Rank36 | |
1 | Japan | 33.2 |
2 | Philippines | 45.0 |
3 | Uruguay | 48.0 |
4 | Peru | 48.2 |
5 | Sri Lanka | 49.0 |
6 | Costa Rica | 49.6 |
7 | Greece | 50.4 |
8 | Italy | 51.8 |
9 | Ecuador | 52.0 |
10 | Mexico | 53.2 |
11 | Canada | 53.4 |
12 | Maldives | 55.0 |
World Avg | 85.7 | |
q=188. |
Forest Area Change 2000-2020 Higher is better37 | ||
Pos. | Total37 | |
1 | Guernsey | 82.6% |
2 | Bahrain | 75.2% |
3 | Iceland | 64.7% |
4 | Burundi | 44.2% |
5 | Uruguay | 43.8% |
6 | Montenegro | 32.1% |
7 | Malta | 31.4% |
8 | Cuba | 31.0% |
9 | Kuwait | 28.9% |
10 | Uzbekistan | 23.3% |
11 | Algeria | 23.1% |
12 | China | 23.0% |
The Americas Avg | -2.1% | |
World Avg | -0.1% | |
q=234. |
From 2000 to 2010, Uruguay restored its forest cover by 26%, from 1369 thousand hectares to 1731 thousand. By 2020, it added a further 17%, setting an important example for the rest of the world.
Environmental Performance Higher is better41 | ||
Pos. | 201841 | |
1 | Switzerland | 87.4 |
2 | France | 84.0 |
3 | Denmark | 81.6 |
... | ||
44 | Belarus | 65.0 |
45 | Romania | 64.8 |
46 | Dominican Rep. | 64.7 |
47 | Uruguay | 64.7 |
48 | Estonia | 64.3 |
49 | Singapore | 64.2 |
50 | Poland | 64.1 |
51 | Venezuela | 63.9 |
The Americas Avg | 58.8 | |
World Avg | 56.4 | |
q=180. |
Energy to GDP Efficiency Higher is better38 | ||
Pos. | 201438 | |
1 | Hong Kong | 26.32 |
2 | Sri Lanka | 20.00 |
3 | Panama | 17.86 |
... | ||
10= | Singapore | 15.15 |
11 | Denmark | 14.93 |
12 | Peru | 14.49 |
13 | Uruguay | 14.08 |
14 | UK | 13.89 |
15= | Costa Rica | 13.51 |
15= | Philippines | 13.51 |
17 | Luxembourg | 13.33 |
The Americas Avg | 10.78 | |
World Avg | 09.29 | |
q=119. |
Convention on Biological Diversity Earlier is better | ||
Pos. | Total Signed | |
1= | China | 1993 Dec 29 |
1= | Guinea | 1993 Dec 29 |
1= | Cook Islands | 1993 Dec 29 |
... | ||
26= | Australia | 1993 Dec 29 |
26= | Peru | 1993 Dec 29 |
31 | Philippines | 1994 Jan 06 |
32 | Uruguay | 1994 Feb 03 |
33 | Nauru | 1994 Feb 08 |
34 | Jordan | 1994 Feb 10 |
35 | Nepal | 1994 Feb 21 |
36 | Czechia | 1994 Mar 03 |
The Americas Avg | 1899 Dec 30 | |
World Avg | 1899 Dec 30 | |
q=197. |
Rational Beliefs on the Environment Higher is better39 | ||
Pos. | 2011 %39 | |
1 | Argentina | 78.3% |
2 | Greece | 77.6% |
3 | Brazil | 77.1% |
... | ||
20 | Chile | 63.8% |
21 | Ivory Coast | 63.7% |
22 | Madagascar | 62.8% |
23 | Uruguay | 62.4% |
24 | Angola | 62.4% |
25 | Bangladesh | 61.5% |
26 | Mali | 60.7% |
27 | Venezuela | 60.1% |
The Americas Avg | 58.6% | |
World Avg | 39.9% | |
q=145. |
Meat Consumption Lower is better42 | ||
Pos. | 2021 kg42 | |
1 | Congo, DR | 03.0 |
2 | Burundi | 03.5 |
3 | Bangladesh | 04.3 |
... | ||
109 | Moldova | 61.9 |
110 | Costa Rica | 62.2 |
111 | China | 63.6 |
112 | Uruguay | 62.8 |
113 | Jamaica | 63.4 |
114 | Slovakia | 63.5 |
115 | China | 63.6 |
116 | Netherlands | 63.8 |
The Americas Avg | 70.3 | |
World Avg | 52.5 | |
q=185. |
In the 2010s, meat consumption per person in Uruguay was reducing.42
Green Future Index Higher is better40 | ||
Pos. | 2023 Score40 | |
1 | Iceland | 6.7 |
2 | Finland | 6.7 |
3 | Norway | 6.4 |
... | ||
23 | Bulgaria | 5.3 |
24 | Costa Rica | 5.3 |
25 | S. Africa | 5.2 |
26 | Uruguay | 5.1 |
27 | China | 5.1 |
28 | Japan | 5.1 |
29 | Hungary | 5.1 |
30 | Chile | 5.1 |
The Americas Avg | 4.6 | |
World Avg | 4.8 | |
q=76. |
#education #english #intelligence #maths #modernity #religion #religiosity #research #science #secularisation #technology #the_internet
Compared to The Americas (2020)43 | ||
Pos. | Lower is better Avg Rank43 | |
1 | Canada | 21.9 |
2 | USA | 28.2 |
3 | Argentina | 43.6 |
... | ||
7 | St Kitts & Nevis | 56.7 |
8 | Puerto Rico | 57.5 |
9 | Mexico | 60.7 |
10 | Uruguay | 66.8 |
11 | Costa Rica | 68.0 |
12= | Peru | 68.5 |
12= | Grenada | 68.5 |
14 | Bermuda | 69.0 |
15 | Trinidad & Tobago | 71.4 |
The Americas Avg | 81.3 | |
q=41. |
Modernity & Learning (2020)43 | ||
Pos. | Lower is better Avg Rank43 | |
1 | Finland | 7.7 |
2 | Taiwan | 10.0 |
3 | Switzerland | 14.7 |
... | ||
68 | Monaco | 64.5 |
69 | Georgia | 66.0 |
70 | Montenegro | 66.3 |
71 | Uruguay | 66.8 |
72 | Vietnam | 67.5 |
73 | Costa Rica | 68.0 |
74= | Peru | 68.5 |
74= | Grenada | 68.5 |
World Avg | 82.7 | |
q=205. |
Modernity and Education:
Research & Development Higher is better | ||
Pos. | 2016 % RDP PPP | |
1 | S. Korea | 4.2944 |
2 | Israel | 4.1144 |
3 | Japan | 3.5844 |
... | ||
83 | Botswana | 0.2545 |
84 | Armenia | 0.2446 |
85= | Sudan | 0.2347 |
85= | Uruguay | 0.2345 |
85= | Mongolia | 0.2346 |
85= | Bermuda | 0.2346 |
89 | Togo | 0.2245 |
90= | Nigeria | 0.2247 |
The Americas Avg | 0.47 | |
World Avg | 0.84 | |
q=126. |
Secondary Education Higher is better48 | ||
Pos. | 201848 | |
1= | Luxembourg | 100.0% |
1= | Estonia | 100.0% |
1= | Austria | 100.0% |
... | ||
98 | Gabon | 57.6% |
99 | Libya | 57.4% |
100 | Dominican Rep. | 56.6% |
101 | Uruguay | 56.0% |
102 | Lebanon | 54.9% |
103 | Portugal | 54.2% |
104 | Turkey | 53.1% |
105 | Costa Rica | 52.9% |
The Americas Avg | 63.0% | |
World Avg | 63.0% | |
q=169. |
Length of Schooling Higher is better49 | ||
Pos. | 2021 Years49 | |
1 | Australia | 21.1 |
2 | New Zealand | 20.3 |
3 | Greece | 20.0 |
... | ||
19 | Germany | 17.0 |
20 | Portugal | 16.9 |
21 | Malta | 16.8 |
22 | Uruguay | 16.8 |
23 | Chile | 16.7 |
24 | Costa Rica | 16.5 |
25 | Singapore | 16.5 |
26 | S. Korea | 16.5 |
The Americas Avg | 14.2 | |
World Avg | 13.5 | |
q=193. |
Intellectual Endeavours Lower is better31 | ||
Pos. | 2017 Rank31 | |
1 | Ukraine | 1 |
2 | Czechia | 2 |
3 | Hungary | 3 |
... | ||
132 | Haiti | 132 |
133 | Botswana | 133 |
134 | Suriname | 134 |
135 | Uruguay | 135 |
136 | Honduras | 136 |
137 | Papua New Guinea | 137 |
138 | Congo, DR | 138 |
139 | Ecuador | 139 |
The Americas Avg | 99.8 | |
World Avg | 82.0 | |
q=163. |
Maths, Science & Reading Higher is better50 | ||
Pos. | 2015 Score50 | |
1 | Singapore | 1655 |
2 | Hong Kong | 1598 |
3 | Japan | 1586 |
... | ||
46= | Romania | 1313 |
46= | Cyprus | 1313 |
48 | UAE | 1298 |
49 | Uruguay | 1290 |
50 | Turkey | 1273 |
51 | Trinidad & Tobago | 1269 |
52 | Moldova | 1264 |
53 | Montenegro | 1256 |
The Americas Avg | 1287 | |
World Avg | 1389 | |
q=70. |
Religiosity Lower is better51 | ||
Pos. | 2018 %51 | |
1 | China | 3 |
2 | Estonia | 6 |
3 | Czechia | 7 |
... | ||
31= | Ukraine | 23 |
32 | Canada | 27 |
33= | Uzbekistan | 29 |
33= | Uruguay | 29 |
35 | Poland | 30 |
36 | Serbia | 34 |
37= | Israel | 36 |
37= | Portugal | 36 |
The Americas Avg | 65.4 | |
World Avg | 54.3 | |
q=106. |
IQ Higher is better52 | ||
Pos. | 200652 | |
1= | Hong Kong | 108 |
1= | Singapore | 108 |
3 | S. Korea | 106 |
... | ||
33= | Russia | 97 |
33= | Belarus | 97 |
35 | Moldova | 96 |
36= | Uruguay | 96 |
36= | Slovenia | 96 |
36= | Slovakia | 96 |
39 | Portugal | 95 |
40= | Israel | 95 |
The Americas Avg | 85.3 | |
World Avg | 85.6 | |
q=138. |
Technology and Information:
Internet Users Higher is better53 | ||
Pos. | 201653 | |
1 | Iceland | 100% |
2 | Faroe Islands | 99% |
3 | Norway | 98% |
... | ||
65 | St Kitts & Nevis | 66% |
66 | Dominica | 66% |
67 | Italy | 66% |
68= | Uruguay | 65% |
68= | Antigua & Barbuda | 65% |
70 | Greece | 65% |
71 | Saudi Arabia | 65% |
72 | French Polynesia | 64% |
The Americas Avg | 56.4% | |
World Avg | 48.1% | |
q=201. |
IPv6 Uptake Higher is better54 | ||
Pos. | 2017 Ratio54 | |
1 | Belgium | 55.4 |
2 | Germany | 41.8 |
3 | Switzerland | 35.1 |
... | ||
59 | China | 0.3 |
60 | Iceland | 0.3 |
61 | Turkey | 0.3 |
62= | Uruguay | 0.3 |
62= | Moldova | 0.3 |
64 | UAE | 0.3 |
65 | Seychelles | 0.2 |
66 | Puerto Rico | 0.2 |
The Americas Avg | 3.36 | |
World Avg | 3.82 | |
q=176. |
Digital Quality of Life Higher is better55 | ||
Pos. | 202455 | |
1 | Germany | 77.9% |
2 | Finland | 76.9% |
3 | France | 73.9% |
... | ||
43 | UAE | 55.8% |
44 | Chile | 55.0% |
45 | China | 54.8% |
46 | Uruguay | 54.8% |
47 | Ukraine | 54.4% |
48 | Serbia | 53.5% |
49 | Turkey | 52.2% |
50 | Russia | 52.1% |
The Americas Avg | 44.7% | |
World Avg | 48.4% | |
q=121. |
#charity #corruption #happiness #morals #politics #uruguay
World Giving Index Higher is better56 | ||
Pos. | 2022 %56 | |
1 | Indonesia | 68.0 |
2 | Kenya | 61.0 |
3 | USA | 59.0 |
... | ||
60= | Nicaragua | 40.0 |
60= | Senegal | 40.0 |
60= | Estonia | 40.0 |
60= | Uruguay | 40.0 |
60= | Turkey | 40.0 |
60= | Hungary | 40.0 |
60= | India | 40.0 |
60= | Cyprus | 40.0 |
The Americas Avg | 43.7 | |
World Avg | 39.6 | |
q=125. |
Corruption Higher is better57 | ||
Pos. | 2022 Points57 | |
1 | Denmark | 90.0 |
2= | Finland | 87.0 |
2= | New Zealand | 87.0 |
... | ||
12 | Hong Kong | 76.0 |
13 | Australia | 75.0 |
14= | Estonia | 74.0 |
14= | Uruguay | 74.0 |
14= | Iceland | 74.0 |
14= | Canada | 74.0 |
18 | UK | 73.0 |
19= | Japan | 73.0 |
The Americas Avg | 42.97 | |
World Avg | 42.98 | |
q=180. |
Of all countries thoughout the 2000s, Uruguay improved its Corruption Perception Index score at joint-3rd best rate.
Happiness Higher is better58 | ||
Pos. | 2018 Score58 | |
1 | Finland | 7.6 |
2 | Norway | 7.6 |
3 | Denmark | 7.6 |
... | ||
28 | Brazil | 6.4 |
29 | Argentina | 6.4 |
30 | Guatemala | 6.4 |
31 | Uruguay | 6.4 |
32 | Qatar | 6.4 |
33 | Saudi Arabia | 6.4 |
34 | Singapore | 6.3 |
35 | Malaysia | 6.3 |
The Americas Avg | 6.05 | |
World Avg | 5.38 | |
q=156. |
Creativity & Culture Lower is better31 | ||
Pos. | 2017 Rank31 | |
1 | Belgium | 1 |
2 | Netherlands | 2 |
3 | Estonia | 3 |
... | ||
56 | Mauritania | 56 |
57 | India | 57 |
58 | Philippines | 58 |
59 | Uruguay | 59 |
60 | Samoa | 60 |
61 | Montenegro | 61 |
62 | Ukraine | 62 |
63 | Israel | 63 |
The Americas Avg | 80.2 | |
World Avg | 82.0 | |
q=163. |
Open Trading, Aid & Development Lower is better31 | ||
Pos. | 2017 Rank31 | |
1 | Ireland | 1 |
2 | Denmark | 2 |
3 | Sweden | 3 |
... | ||
132 | Bangladesh | 132 |
133 | Indonesia | 133 |
134 | Egypt | 134 |
135 | Uruguay | 135 |
136 | Namibia | 136 |
137 | Yemen | 137 |
138 | Cambodia | 138 |
139 | Antigua & Barbuda | 139 |
The Americas Avg | 100.5 | |
World Avg | 82.0 | |
q=163. |
#extremism #human_development #peace #politics #religious_violence #terrorism #uruguay
Uruguay is the most peaceful country in South America, but has been deteriorating since at least 2008, "driven by increasing political instability, violent crime, and violent demonstrations"59.
Global Peace Index Lower is better60 | ||
Pos. | 2023 Score60 | |
1 | Iceland | 1.12 |
2 | Denmark | 1.31 |
3 | Ireland | 1.31 |
... | ||
47 | Sierra Leone | 1.79 |
48 | Oman | 1.79 |
49 | Timor-Leste (E. Timor) | 1.80 |
50 | Uruguay | 1.80 |
51 | Ghana | 1.80 |
52 | Senegal | 1.83 |
53 | Indonesia | 1.83 |
54 | Argentina | 1.84 |
The Americas Avg | 2.13 | |
World Avg | 2.07 | |
q=163. |
Peacekeeping & Security Lower is better31 | ||
Pos. | 2017 Rank31 | |
1 | Samoa | 1 |
2 | S. Africa | 2 |
3 | Tunisia | 3 |
4 | Egypt | 4 |
5 | Nigeria | 5 |
6 | Uruguay | 6 |
7 | Indonesia | 7 |
8 | Brunei | 8 |
9 | Moldova | 9 |
10 | Morocco | 10 |
11 | Oman | 11 |
12 | Tanzania | 12 |
The Americas Avg | 82.3 | |
World Avg | 82.0 | |
q=163. |
Refugees & UN Treaties Lower is better31 | ||
Pos. | 2017 Rank31 | |
1 | Austria | 1 |
2 | Germany | 2 |
3 | Netherlands | 3 |
... | ||
34 | Mauritius | 34 |
35 | Bosnia & Herzegovina | 35 |
36 | Romania | 36 |
37 | Uruguay | 37 |
38 | Liberia | 38 |
39 | Turkey | 39 |
40 | Malaysia | 40 |
41 | Montenegro | 41 |
The Americas Avg | 91.5 | |
World Avg | 82.0 | |
q=163. |
Impact of Terrorism Lower is better61 | ||
Pos. | 2019 Score61 | |
1 | Togo | 0.00 |
2 | Mongolia | 0.00 |
3 | Swaziland | 0.00 |
... | ||
27= | Serbia | 0.12 |
27= | Estonia | 0.12 |
29 | New Zealand | 0.14 |
30 | Uruguay | 0.17 |
31 | Dominican Rep. | 0.18 |
32 | Hungary | 0.18 |
33 | Switzerland | 0.19 |
34 | Latvia | 0.23 |
The Americas Avg | 2.16 | |
World Avg | 2.78 | |
q=150. |
#capitalism #economics #health #inequality #life_expectancy #social_development
Inequality in Life Expectancy Lower is better62 | ||
Pos. | 201962 | |
1 | Iceland | 2.40 |
2= | Singapore | 2.50 |
2= | Hong Kong | 2.50 |
... | ||
62 | Brunei | 7.60 |
63 | Kazakhstan | 7.70 |
64= | Macedonia | 7.90 |
64= | Uruguay | 7.90 |
64= | Thailand | 7.90 |
64= | Georgia | 7.90 |
64= | China | 7.90 |
69 | Argentina | 8.60 |
The Americas Avg | 12.03 | |
World Avg | 14.59 | |
q=184. |
Income Inequality (Gini Coefficient) Lower is better63 | ||
Pos. | 2023 %63 | |
1 | Slovakia | 24.1%64 |
2 | Slovenia | 24.3%64 |
3 | Belarus | 24.4%65 |
... | ||
119 | Jamaica | 40.2%64 |
120 | Peru | 40.3%66 |
121 | Tanzania | 40.5%67 |
122 | Uruguay | 40.6%66 |
123= | Sao Tome & Principe | 40.7%68 |
123= | Philippines | 40.7%64 |
123= | Argentina | 40.7%66 |
123= | Malaysia | 40.7%64 |
The Americas Avg | 44.0% | |
World Avg | 36.5% | |
q=167. |
From 1981 to 2005, income inequality statistics were for urban areas only, but the figures were not widely divergent from the overall values thereafter.
#belief #buddhism #christianity #god #hinduism #islam #judaism #religion #religion_in_uruguay #religiosity #secularisation #Uruguay
Religiosity (2018)51 | ||
Pos. | Lower is better %51 | |
1 | China | 3 |
2 | Estonia | 6 |
3 | Czechia | 7 |
... | ||
31= | Ukraine | 23 |
32 | Canada | 27 |
33= | Uzbekistan | 29 |
33= | Uruguay | 29 |
35 | Poland | 30 |
36 | Serbia | 34 |
37= | Israel | 36 |
37= | Portugal | 36 |
39 | Azerbaijan | 38 |
40 | Chile | 41 |
41= | Croatia | 42 |
41= | Moldova | 42 |
43 | Argentina | 43 |
44 | Mexico | 45 |
45 | Kyrgyzstan | 47 |
46 | Kosovo | 48 |
World Avg | 54.3 | |
q=106. |
Disbelief In God (2007)69 | ||
Pos. | Higher is better %69 | |
1 | Vietnam | 81 |
2 | Japan | 65 |
3 | Sweden | 64 |
... | ||
37= | Singapore | 13 |
38 | Kazakhstan | 12 |
39= | China | 12 |
39= | Uruguay | 12 |
41 | USA | 10 |
42 | Trinidad & Tobago | 9 |
43 | Albania | 8 |
44= | Dominican Rep. | 7 |
44= | Croatia | 7 |
44= | Kyrgyzstan | 7 |
44= | Cambodia | 7 |
48 | Moldova | 6 |
49= | Italy | 6 |
50 | Laos | 5 |
51= | Ireland | 5 |
51= | Mozambique | 5 |
World Avg | 9.9 | |
q=137. |
Data from the Pew Forum, a professional polling outfit, states that in 2010 the religious makeup of this country was as follows in the table below70:
Christian | 57.9% |
Muslim | 0.1% |
Hindu | 0.1% |
Buddhist | 0.1% |
Folk Religion | 0.8% |
Jewish | 0.3% |
Unaffiliated | 40.7% |
It appears that when asked "What religion are you" many give pollsters the 'correct' answer despite how they actually feel, and despite what they actually believe. Although 59.3% of the populace say they belong to a religion, only 29% say that they are religious when the question is phrased as "Is religion an important part of your daily life?".
For more on this phenomenon, see:
The CIA World Factbook has slightly different data, and states: Roman Catholic 47.1%, non-Catholic Christians 11.1%, nondenominational 23.2%, Jewish 0.3%, atheist or agnostic 17.2%, other 1.1% (2006)71.
Freedom of Religion and Belief: Uruguay has several laws that take seriously the democratic principle of separation of church and state, and the Constitution prohibits discrimination based on religion.72
"Uruguay is among the most secular countries in Latin America. A Pew Research Center study on the global religious landscape as of 2010 found that roughly four-in-ten Uruguayans are unaffiliated with a particular religion. About 58 percent of Uruguayans are Christian; in the Latin America-Caribbean region as a whole, 90 percent of the population is Christian".73