By Vexen Crabtree 2022
Chad Republic of Chad | ![]() |
Status | Independent State |
Social and Moral Index | 193rd best |
Capital | N'Djamena |
Land Area | 1 259 200km21 |
Location | Africa |
Population | 15.5m2 |
Life Expectancy | 52.53yrs (2017)3 |
GNI | $1 364 (2017)4 |
ISO3166-1 Codes | TD, TCD, 1485 |
Internet Domain | .td6 |
Currency | Franc (XAF)7 |
Telephone | +2358 |
#france #gambia #ghana #libya #sudan
“Chad, part of France's African holdings until 1960, endured three decades of civil warfare as well as invasions by Libya before a semblance of peace was finally restored in 1990. The government eventually drafted a democratic constitution and held flawed presidential elections in 1996 and 2001. In 1998, a rebellion broke out in northern Chad, which has sporadically flared up despite several peace agreements between the government and the insurgents. In 2005, new rebel groups emerged in western Sudan and made probing attacks into eastern Chad despite signing peace agreements in December 2006 and October 2007. In June 2005, President Idriss DEBY held a referendum successfully removing constitutional term limits and won another controversial election in 2006. Sporadic rebel campaigns continued throughout 2006 and 2007. The capital experienced a significant insurrection in early 2008, but has had no significant rebel threats since then, in part due to Chad's 2010 rapprochement with Sudan, which previously used Chadian rebels as proxies. DEBY in 2011 was reelected to his fourth term in an election that international observers described as proceeding without incident. Power remains in the hands of an ethnic minority.”
CIA's The World Factbook (2013)9
“Wave goodbye to your comfort zone and say hello to Chad, a rugged, arid, wind-blasted place and an experience that you´ll never forget! If Ghana and Gambia are Africa for beginners, Chad is Africa for the hard core. Travel here is tough. Many of the roads are broken due to years of conflict and lack of maintenance. There are few comfortable hotels and there is plenty of bureaucracy and demands for cadeaux (gifts) to negotiate. Added to that, the summer heat is mind-melting, travel costs can be astronomical and the security situation remains unpredictable.
So why bother, you may ask? Well, we could list the sublime oases lost in the northern deserts, tell you about the stampeding herds of wildlife in the national parks or the deep blue lure of a boat trip on Lake Chad. You may partake in the nation´s feel good story as you strike out into the wild or you may find elegant, perfectly preserved shells of aquatic molluscs poking from the powdery sands of the Sahara. Chad offers an opportunity to break with a comfortable Western world and come to a place that promises experiences, good and bad, that you´ll be recalling forever.”
#economics #human_development #wealth
UN HDI (2021)11 | ||
Pos. | Higher is better Value11 | |
1 | Switzerland | 0.962 |
2 | Norway | 0.961 |
3 | Iceland | 0.959 |
... | ||
184 | Burkina Faso | 0.449 |
185 | Mozambique | 0.446 |
186 | Mali | 0.428 |
187 | Burundi | 0.426 |
188 | Central African Rep. | 0.404 |
189 | Niger | 0.400 |
190 | Chad | 0.394 |
191 | S. Sudan | 0.385 |
Africa Avg | 0.56 | |
World Avg | 0.72 | |
q=191. |
Gross National Income Per-Capita (2021)11 | ||
Pos. | Higher is better PPP $11 | |
1 | Liechtenstein | $146 830 |
2 | Singapore | $90 919 |
3 | Qatar | $87 134 |
... | ||
181 | Sierra Leone | $1 622 |
182 | Madagascar | $1 484 |
183 | Malawi | $1 466 |
184 | Chad | $1 364 |
185 | Yemen | $1 314 |
186 | Liberia | $1 289 |
187 | Niger | $1 240 |
188 | Mozambique | $1 198 |
Africa Avg | $5 339 | |
World Avg | $20 136 | |
q=193. |
Social & Moral Development Index12 | ||
Pos. | Lower is better Avg Rank12 | |
1 | Denmark | 28.3 |
2 | Norway | 28.5 |
3 | Finland | 31.7 |
... | ||
189 | Central African Rep. | 132.8 |
190 | Tuvalu | 133.4 |
191 | S. Sudan | 136.1 |
192 | Vatican City | 136.2 |
193 | Chad | 136.6 |
194 | Equatorial Guinea | 137.1 |
195 | Eritrea | 137.4 |
196 | Somalia | 157.1 |
Africa Avg | 111.7 | |
World Avg | 87.1 | |
q=196. |
The United Nations produces an annual Human Development Report which includes the Human Development Index. The factors taken into account include life expectancy, education and schooling and Gross National Income (GNI) amongst many others..
The Social and Moral Development Index concentrates on moral issues and human rights, violence, public health, equality, tolerance, freedom and effectiveness in climate change mitigation and environmentalism, and on some technological issues. A country scores higher for achieving well in those areas, and for sustaining that achievement in the long term. Those countries towards the top of this index can truly said to be setting good examples and leading humankind onwards into a bright, humane, and free future. See: Which are the Best Countries in the World? The Social and Moral Development Index.
#birth_control #demographics #health #immigration #life_expectancy #longevity #migration #overpopulation #population
Chad's population is predicted to rise to 18.44 million by 2030. These millions of extra people will all need space to live, food to eat, energy to consume, and will increase the burden on the planet's resources. This country has a fertility rate of 5.79. The fertility rate is, in simple terms, the average amount of children that each woman has. The higher the figure, the quicker the population is growing, although, to calculate the rate you also need to take into account morbidity, i.e., the rate at which people die. If people live healthy and long lives and morbidity is low, then, 2.0 approximates to the replacement rate, which would keep the population stable. If all countries had such a fertility rate, population growth would end. The actual replacement rate in most developed countries is around 2.1.Population2 | ||
Pos. | 2018 Population2 | |
1 | China | 1.4b |
2 | India | 1.4b |
3 | USA | 327.1m |
... | ||
68 | Syria | 16.9m |
69 | Cambodia | 16.2m |
70 | Senegal | 15.9m |
71 | Chad | 15.5m |
72 | Somalia | 15.0m |
73 | Zimbabwe | 14.4m |
74 | Guinea | 12.4m |
75 | Rwanda | 12.3m |
World Avg | 39.0m | |
q=195. |
Life Expectancy Higher is better11 | ||
Pos. | 2021 Years11 | |
1 | Monaco | 85.9 |
2 | Hong Kong | 85.5 |
3 | Japan | 84.8 |
... | ||
188 | Ivory Coast | 58.6 |
189 | Swaziland | 57.1 |
190 | Somalia | 55.3 |
191 | S. Sudan | 55.0 |
192 | Central African Rep. | 53.9 |
193 | Lesotho | 53.1 |
194 | Nigeria | 52.7 |
195 | Chad | 52.5 |
World Avg | 71.28 | |
q=195. |
Fertility Rate 2.0 is best13 | ||
Pos. | 201313 | |
1 | N. Korea | 2.00 |
2 | Brunei | 1.99 |
3 | St Vincent & Grenadines | 2.01 |
... | ||
169 | Tanzania | 5.51 |
170 | Congo, DR | 5.54 |
171 | Burkina Faso | 5.77 |
172 | Chad | 5.79 |
173 | Uganda | 5.95 |
174 | Malawi | 5.98 |
175 | Timor-Leste (E. Timor) | 5.99 |
176 | Afghanistan | 6.03 |
World Avg | 2.81 | |
q=180. |
Old-Age Dependency Ratio Lower is better14 | ||
Pos. | 2016 Per 10014 | |
1 | Uganda | 04.3 |
2 | Mali | 04.5 |
3= | Chad | 04.7 |
3= | Burkina Faso | 04.7 |
5 | Sierra Leone | 04.8 |
6= | Zambia | 04.8 |
7 | Eritrea | 04.9 |
8= | Gambia | 04.9 |
9 | Angola | 05.0 |
10= | Afghanistan | 05.0 |
10= | Zimbabwe | 05.0 |
12 | Nigeria | 05.1 |
World Avg | 18.3 | |
q=185. |
Immigrants15 | ||
Pos. | 2017 %15 | |
1 | UAE | 88.4% |
2 | Kuwait | 75.5% |
3 | Qatar | 65.2% |
... | ||
103 | Turkmenistan | 3.4% |
104 | Iran | 3.3% |
105 | Kyrgyzstan | 3.3% |
106 | Chad | 3.3% |
107 | Tajikistan | 3.1% |
108 | Cape Verde | 2.8% |
109 | Burundi | 2.8% |
110 | Chile | 2.7% |
World Avg | 9.4% | |
q=195. |
Emigrants16 | ||
Pos. | 2010 %16 | |
1 | Dominica | 104.8% |
2 | Palestine | 68.4% |
3 | Samoa | 67.3% |
... | ||
151 | Cambodia | 2.3% |
152 | Uganda | 2.2% |
153 | Sudan | 2.2% |
154 | Chad | 2.1% |
155 | Australia | 2.1% |
156 | Serbia | 2.0% |
157 | Venezuela | 1.8% |
158 | S. Africa | 1.7% |
World Avg | 11.5% | |
q=192. |
#Chad #chad_human_rights #equality #gender_equality #human_rights #islam #morals #politics #prejudice #tolerance
Human Rights, Equality & Tolerance (2020)17 | ||
Pos. | Lower is better Avg Rank17 | |
1 | Sweden | 9.0 |
2 | Norway | 14.5 |
3 | Denmark | 14.5 |
... | ||
169 | Equatorial Guinea | 128.4 |
170 | Micronesia | 128.4 |
171 | Myanmar (Burma) | 128.5 |
172 | Chad | 130.3 |
173 | Palau | 130.6 |
174 | Tonga | 132.6 |
Africa Avg | 108.2 | |
World Avg | 87.9 | |
q=199. |
For tables, charts and commentary, see:
#alcohol #birth_control #demographics #health #life_expectancy #longevity #obesity #overpopulation #parenting #population #smoking #vaccines
Compared to Africa (2020)26 | ||
Pos. | Lower is better Avg Rank26 | |
1 | Mauritius | 64.5 |
2 | Morocco | 73.1 |
3= | Eritrea | 77.0 |
... | ||
41 | Guinea-Bissau | 116.4 |
42 | Cameroon | 117.8 |
43 | Burkina Faso | 118.1 |
44= | Chad | 119.9 |
44= | Swaziland | 119.9 |
46 | Mali | 122.1 |
47 | Congo, (Brazzaville) | 123.4 |
48 | Namibia | 125.9 |
49 | Gabon | 131.3 |
Africa Avg | 108.2 | |
q=54. |
Health (2020)26 | ||
Pos. | Lower is better Avg Rank26 | |
1 | Monaco | 13.0 |
2 | Hong Kong | 18.3 |
3 | Maldives | 41.0 |
... | ||
177 | Cameroon | 117.8 |
178 | Burkina Faso | 118.1 |
179 | Venezuela | 118.5 |
180= | Chad | 119.9 |
180= | Swaziland | 119.9 |
182 | Papua New Guinea | 120.8 |
183 | Mali | 122.1 |
184 | Congo, (Brazzaville) | 123.4 |
World Avg | 93.5 | |
q=196. |
The countries with the best overall approach to public health, in terms of both public policy and individual lifestyle choices, are Monaco, Hong Kong and The Maldives27. These countries are worth emulating. And, although often through no fault of the average citizen, the worst countries are The Marshall Islands, S. Sudan and Palau27.
The data sets used to calculate points for each country are its average life expectancy, its alcohol consumption rate, its fertility rate, its smoking rate, its suicide rate, its food aid and health contributions and WHO compliance, the prevalence of overweight adults, its adolescent birth rate and its immunizations take-up. The regions with the best average results per country are Scandinavia, Asia and The Mediterranean27, whereas the worst are Micronesia, Australasia and Africa27.
For more, see:
Chad is a pretty unhealthy country. Chad does better than average in its smoking rate28 and in its alcohol consumption rate29. When it comes to most other metrics, Chad does not do well. It does worse than average in its food aid and health contributions and WHO compliance30. It sits amongst the bottom 20 when it comes to its fertility rate13, its adolescent birth rate24 and in its immunizations take-up31. And finally, it is the worst in its average life expectancy11. The prevalence of overweight adults has increased by 14% over the past 40 years. Life expectancy in Chad in 1990 was the ninth lowest in the world, at 44.7yrs, and for most of the 2010s it had the second-lowest although overall it still improved by +8.6yrs in the 30 years from 1990, just over the global average improvement of +7.9yrs.Life Expectancy Higher is better11 | ||
Pos. | 2021 Years11 | |
1 | Monaco | 85.9 |
2 | Hong Kong | 85.5 |
3 | Japan | 84.8 |
... | ||
188 | Ivory Coast | 58.6 |
189 | Swaziland | 57.1 |
190 | Somalia | 55.3 |
191 | S. Sudan | 55.0 |
192 | Central African Rep. | 53.9 |
193 | Lesotho | 53.1 |
194 | Nigeria | 52.7 |
195 | Chad | 52.5 |
Africa Avg | 62.79 | |
World Avg | 71.28 | |
q=195. |
Alcohol Consumption Lower is better29 | ||
Pos. | 2016 Per Capita29 | |
1 | Bangladesh | 0.0 |
2 | Kuwait | 0.0 |
3 | Libya | 0.0 |
... | ||
34 | Solomon Islands | 1.4 |
35= | Tonga | 1.5 |
35= | Lebanon | 1.5 |
37 | Chad | 1.6 |
38 | Tuvalu | 1.7 |
39= | Madagascar | 1.9 |
39= | Tunisia | 1.9 |
39= | Bahrain | 1.9 |
Africa Avg | 4.8 | |
World Avg | 6.2 | |
q=189. |
Fertility Rate 2.0 is best13 | ||
Pos. | 201313 | |
1 | N. Korea | 2.00 |
2 | Brunei | 1.99 |
3 | St Vincent & Grenadines | 2.01 |
... | ||
169 | Tanzania | 5.51 |
170 | Congo, DR | 5.54 |
171 | Burkina Faso | 5.77 |
172 | Chad | 5.79 |
173 | Uganda | 5.95 |
174 | Malawi | 5.98 |
175 | Timor-Leste (E. Timor) | 5.99 |
176 | Afghanistan | 6.03 |
Africa Avg | 4.31 | |
World Avg | 2.81 | |
q=180. |
Smoking Rates Lower is better28 | ||
Pos. | 201428 | |
1 | Guinea | 15 |
2 | Solomon Islands | 26 |
3 | Kiribati | 28 |
... | ||
31 | Zimbabwe | 134 |
32 | Mauritania | 135 |
33 | Bhutan | 155 |
34 | Chad | 156 |
35 | Zambia | 165 |
36 | Gambia | 166 |
37 | Paraguay | 166 |
38 | Nigeria | 173 |
Africa Avg | 340 | |
World Avg | 819 | |
q=182. |
Food Aid, Health Contributions & WHO Compliance Lower is better30 | ||
Pos. | 2017 Rank30 | |
1 | Sweden | 1 |
2 | Ireland | 2 |
3 | Denmark | 3 |
... | ||
137 | Congo, (Brazzaville) | 137 |
138 | Albania | 138 |
139 | Ghana | 139 |
140 | Chad | 140 |
141 | Rwanda | 141 |
142 | Mali | 142 |
143 | Niger | 143 |
144 | Marshall Islands | 144 |
Africa Avg | 117.0 | |
World Avg | 82.0 | |
q=163. |
Overweight Adults Lower is better32 | ||
Pos. | 2016 %32 | |
1 | Vietnam | 18.3 |
2 | India | 19.7 |
3 | Bangladesh | 20.0 |
... | ||
10 | Burundi | 22.2 |
11 | Uganda | 22.4 |
12 | Afghanistan | 23.0 |
13 | Chad | 23.1 |
14 | Burkina Faso | 23.2 |
15 | Sri Lanka | 23.3 |
16 | Malawi | 23.4 |
17 | Madagascar | 23.9 |
Africa Avg | 33.3 | |
World Avg | 49.0 | |
q=191. |
Children's Health:
Adolescent Birth Rate Lower is better24 | ||
Pos. | 2015 Per 100024 | |
1 | N. Korea | 0.5 |
2 | S. Korea | 1.6 |
3 | Switzerland | 2.9 |
... | ||
175 | Sierra Leone | 118.2 |
176 | Tanzania | 118.6 |
177 | Congo, DR | 122.6 |
178 | Chad | 133.5 |
179 | Ivory Coast | 135.5 |
180 | Malawi | 136.2 |
181 | Mozambique | 139.7 |
182 | Guinea | 140.6 |
Africa Avg | 87.5 | |
World Avg | 47.9 | |
q=185. |
Infant Immunizations 2011-2015 Higher is better31 | ||
Pos. | 2015 Avg %31 | |
1= | Hungary | 99.0 |
1= | China | 99.0 |
3 | Uzbekistan | 98.9 |
... | ||
186 | Guinea | 63.3 |
187 | Syria | 62.4 |
188 | Ukraine | 55.2 |
189 | Chad | 52.5 |
190 | Nigeria | 50.0 |
191 | Central African Rep. | 49.4 |
192 | Somalia | 46.0 |
193 | S. Sudan | 45.7 |
Africa Avg | 81.7 | |
World Avg | 88.3 | |
q=194. |
#biodiversity #chad #climate_change #deforestation #food #meat #over-exploitation #the_environment #veganism #vegetarianism
Compared to Africa (2023)33 | ||
Pos. | Lower is better Avg Rank33 | |
1 | Seychelles | 55.3 |
2 | Kenya | 57.4 |
3= | Zambia | 57.6 |
... | ||
13 | Ivory Coast | 70.5 |
14 | Mali | 74.3 |
15= | Ghana | 76.2 |
16 | Chad | 79.5 |
17= | Mozambique | 81.0 |
18 | Gambia | 82.0 |
19= | Cameroon | 82.0 |
20 | Djibouti | 82.3 |
21= | Sudan | 83.5 |
Africa Avg | 90.1 | |
q=53. |
Responsibility Towards The Environment (2023)33 | ||
Pos. | Lower is better Avg Rank33 | |
1 | Japan | 33.2 |
2 | Philippines | 45.0 |
3 | Uruguay | 48.0 |
... | ||
75= | Taiwan | 78.7 |
76 | Bulgaria | 78.8 |
77 | Cyprus | 79.3 |
78 | Chad | 79.5 |
79 | Albania | 79.8 |
80 | Argentina | 80.8 |
81= | Mozambique | 81.0 |
81= | Dominican Rep. | 81.0 |
World Avg | 85.7 | |
q=188. |
Forest Area Change 2000-2020 Higher is better37 | ||
Pos. | Total37 | |
1 | Guernsey | 82.6% |
2 | Bahrain | 75.2% |
3 | Iceland | 64.7% |
... | ||
227 | Uganda | -28.0% |
228 | St Pierre & Miquelon | -29.1% |
229 | Malawi | -29.4% |
230 | Paraguay | -32.6% |
231 | Chad | -35.0% |
232 | Gambia | -35.2% |
233 | Nicaragua | -41.1% |
234 | Ivory Coast | -50.6% |
Africa Avg | -8.7% | |
World Avg | -0.1% | |
q=234. |
From 2000 to 2010, Chad destroyed 13% of its forest cover, falling from 6353 thousand hectares, to 5530. Things were even worse from 2010 to 2020, where it destroyed an additional 22%, falling to 4313 thousand hectares.
Environmental Performance Higher is better36 | ||
Pos. | 201836 | |
1 | Switzerland | 87.4 |
2 | France | 84.0 |
3 | Denmark | 81.6 |
... | ||
134 | Guinea | 46.6 |
135 | Mozambique | 46.4 |
136 | Uzbekistan | 45.9 |
137 | Chad | 45.3 |
138 | Myanmar (Burma) | 45.3 |
139 | Ivory Coast | 45.3 |
140 | Gabon | 45.1 |
141 | Ethiopia | 44.8 |
Africa Avg | 46.4 | |
World Avg | 56.4 | |
q=180. |
Convention on Biological Diversity Earlier is better | ||
Pos. | Total Signed | |
1= | China | 1993 Dec 29 |
1= | Guinea | 1993 Dec 29 |
1= | Cook Islands | 1993 Dec 29 |
... | ||
59 | Georgia | 1994 Aug 31 |
60= | Egypt | 1994 Aug 31 |
61 | UK | 1994 Sep 01 |
62 | Chad | 1994 Sep 05 |
63 | Gambia | 1994 Sep 08 |
64 | Micronesia | 1994 Sep 18 |
65 | Malaysia | 1994 Sep 22 |
66 | Benin | 1994 Sep 28 |
Africa Avg | 1899 Dec 30 | |
World Avg | 1899 Dec 30 | |
q=197. |
Rational Beliefs on the Environment Higher is better34 | ||
Pos. | 2011 %34 | |
1 | Argentina | 78.3% |
2 | Greece | 77.6% |
3 | Brazil | 77.1% |
... | ||
32 | Hong Kong | 54.8% |
33 | Lebanon | 54.3% |
34 | Nepal | 52.8% |
35 | Chad | 52.8% |
36 | Kenya | 52.1% |
37 | Central African Rep. | 51.9% |
38 | Belize | 50.6% |
39 | Burkina Faso | 50.5% |
Africa Avg | 38.3% | |
World Avg | 39.9% | |
q=145. |
Meat Consumption Lower is better35 | ||
Pos. | 2021 kg35 | |
1 | Congo, DR | 03.0 |
2 | Burundi | 03.5 |
3 | Bangladesh | 04.3 |
... | ||
82 | Fiji | 44.4 |
83 | Congo, (Brazzaville) | 46.0 |
84 | Bosnia & Herzegovina | 46.8 |
85 | Chad | 47.1 |
86 | Oman | 48.0 |
87 | Ukraine | 48.5 |
88 | Cuba | 49.6 |
89 | Libya | 50.0 |
Africa Avg | 24.9 | |
World Avg | 52.5 | |
q=185. |
#chad #education #intelligence #modernity #niger #religion #religiosity #secularisation #technology #the_internet
Compared to Africa (2020)38 | ||
Pos. | Lower is better Avg Rank38 | |
1 | S. Africa | 54.1 |
2 | Egypt | 71.3 |
3 | Tunisia | 74.3 |
... | ||
44 | Gambia | 144.0 |
45 | Central African Rep. | 146.3 |
46 | Equatorial Guinea | 149.3 |
47 | Chad | 150.6 |
48 | Niger | 151.0 |
49 | Guinea | 157.5 |
50 | Comoros | 160.5 |
51 | S. Sudan | 164.0 |
52 | Sierra Leone | 167.8 |
Africa Avg | 120.2 | |
q=53. |
Modernity & Learning (2020)38 | ||
Pos. | Lower is better Avg Rank38 | |
1 | Finland | 7.7 |
2 | Taiwan | 10.0 |
3 | Switzerland | 14.7 |
... | ||
194 | Tuvalu | 148.0 |
195 | Equatorial Guinea | 149.3 |
196 | Papua New Guinea | 150.4 |
197 | Chad | 150.6 |
198 | Niger | 151.0 |
199 | Solomon Islands | 152.7 |
200 | Haiti | 153.8 |
201 | Guinea | 157.5 |
World Avg | 82.7 | |
q=205. |
Modernity and Education:
In 1990-1, education in Chad was woefully short - the average person could expect just a quarter of the global average (of 10 years) and only Niger and Chad were worse. It improved this by 2.3 years during the 1990s. 39
Secondary Education Higher is better40 | ||
Pos. | 201840 | |
1= | Luxembourg | 100.0% |
1= | Estonia | 100.0% |
1= | Austria | 100.0% |
... | ||
162 | Mali | 13.1% |
163 | Papua New Guinea | 12.5% |
164 | Bhutan | 12.0% |
165 | Guinea | 11.7% |
166 | Burundi | 9.3% |
167 | Burkina Faso | 8.8% |
168 | Niger | 6.6% |
169 | Chad | 6.0% |
Africa Avg | 34.4% | |
World Avg | 63.0% | |
q=169. |
Length of Schooling Higher is better41 | ||
Pos. | 2021 Years41 | |
1 | Australia | 21.1 |
2 | New Zealand | 20.3 |
3 | Greece | 20.0 |
... | ||
185 | Pakistan | 8.7 |
186 | Eritrea | 8.1 |
187 | Central African Rep. | 8.0 |
188 | Chad | 8.0 |
189 | Sudan | 7.9 |
190 | Djibouti | 7.4 |
191 | Mali | 7.4 |
192 | Niger | 7.0 |
Africa Avg | 11.0 | |
World Avg | 13.5 | |
q=193. |
Intellectual Endeavours Lower is better30 | ||
Pos. | 2017 Rank30 | |
1 | Ukraine | 1 |
2 | Czechia | 2 |
3 | Hungary | 3 |
... | ||
121 | El Salvador | 121 |
122 | Dominican Rep. | 122 |
123 | Oman | 123 |
124 | Chad | 124 |
125 | Brunei | 125 |
126 | Ivory Coast | 126 |
127 | Kuwait | 127 |
128 | Vietnam | 128 |
Africa Avg | 106.4 | |
World Avg | 82.0 | |
q=163. |
Religiosity Lower is better42 | ||
Pos. | 2018 %42 | |
1 | China | 3 |
2 | Estonia | 6 |
3 | Czechia | 7 |
... | ||
78= | Jordan | 85 |
79 | Palestine | 86 |
80= | Uganda | 86 |
80= | Chad | 86 |
80= | Niger | 86 |
83 | Kenya | 87 |
84= | Mozambique | 87 |
85 | Congo, DR | 88 |
Africa Avg | 87.0 | |
World Avg | 54.3 | |
q=106. |
IQ Higher is better43 | ||
Pos. | 200643 | |
1= | Hong Kong | 108 |
1= | Singapore | 108 |
3 | S. Korea | 106 |
... | ||
120= | Mali | 69 |
120= | Burundi | 69 |
120= | Nigeria | 69 |
123 | Chad | 68 |
124= | Burkina Faso | 68 |
124= | Somalia | 68 |
124= | Angola | 68 |
127 | Guinea | 67 |
Africa Avg | 70.6 | |
World Avg | 85.6 | |
q=138. |
Technology and Information:
Internet Users Higher is better44 | ||
Pos. | 201644 | |
1 | Iceland | 100% |
2 | Faroe Islands | 99% |
3 | Norway | 98% |
... | ||
190 | Ethiopia | 4% |
191 | Congo, DR | 4% |
192 | Guinea-Bissau | 4% |
193 | Chad | 3% |
194 | Myanmar (Burma) | 3% |
195 | Sierra Leone | 2% |
196 | Niger | 2% |
197 | Guinea | 2% |
Africa Avg | 18.4% | |
World Avg | 48.1% | |
q=201. |
#chad #corruption #happiness #politics
Corruption Higher is better45 | ||
Pos. | 2022 Points45 | |
1 | Denmark | 90.0 |
2= | Finland | 87.0 |
2= | New Zealand | 87.0 |
... | ||
167 | Nicaragua | 19.0 |
168= | Comoros | 19.0 |
168= | Turkmenistan | 19.0 |
168= | Chad | 19.0 |
171 | Equatorial Guinea | 17.0 |
172= | N. Korea | 17.0 |
172= | Libya | 17.0 |
172= | Haiti | 17.0 |
Africa Avg | 32.31 | |
World Avg | 42.98 | |
q=180. |
In 2004, Chad began to be included in the Corruption Perception Index, entering at 5th-worst, but briefly falling to 2nd-worst the next year, before improving.
Happiness Higher is better46 | ||
Pos. | 2018 Score46 | |
1 | Finland | 7.6 |
2 | Norway | 7.6 |
3 | Denmark | 7.6 |
... | ||
128 | Georgia | 4.3 |
129 | Armenia | 4.3 |
130 | Myanmar (Burma) | 4.3 |
131 | Chad | 4.3 |
132 | Congo, DR | 4.2 |
133 | India | 4.2 |
134 | Niger | 4.2 |
135 | Uganda | 4.2 |
Africa Avg | 4.29 | |
World Avg | 5.38 | |
q=156. |
Creativity & Culture Lower is better30 | ||
Pos. | 2017 Rank30 | |
1 | Belgium | 1 |
2 | Netherlands | 2 |
3 | Estonia | 3 |
... | ||
132 | Guinea | 132 |
133 | Timor-Leste (E. Timor) | 133 |
134 | Mali | 134 |
135 | Chad | 135 |
136 | Saudi Arabia | 136 |
137 | Congo, (Brazzaville) | 137 |
138 | Algeria | 138 |
139 | Azerbaijan | 139 |
Africa Avg | 117.8 | |
World Avg | 82.0 | |
q=163. |
Open Trading, Aid & Development Lower is better30 | ||
Pos. | 2017 Rank30 | |
1 | Ireland | 1 |
2 | Denmark | 2 |
3 | Sweden | 3 |
... | ||
123 | Pakistan | 123 |
124 | Lithuania | 124 |
125 | St Lucia | 125 |
126 | Chad | 126 |
127 | Bahamas | 127 |
128 | Liberia | 128 |
129 | Sierra Leone | 129 |
130 | Kenya | 130 |
Africa Avg | 96.7 | |
World Avg | 82.0 | |
q=163. |
#extremism #human_development #peace #politics #religious_violence #terrorism
Global Peace Index Lower is better47 | ||
Pos. | 2023 Score47 | |
1 | Iceland | 1.12 |
2 | Denmark | 1.31 |
3 | Ireland | 1.31 |
... | ||
139 | Cameroon | 2.66 |
140= | Colombia | 2.69 |
140= | Venezuela | 2.69 |
142 | Chad | 2.70 |
143 | Israel | 2.71 |
144 | Nigeria | 2.71 |
145 | Myanmar (Burma) | 2.74 |
146 | Pakistan | 2.75 |
Africa Avg | 2.29 | |
World Avg | 2.07 | |
q=163. |
Peacekeeping & Security Lower is better30 | ||
Pos. | 2017 Rank30 | |
1 | Samoa | 1 |
2 | S. Africa | 2 |
3 | Tunisia | 3 |
... | ||
124 | Malta | 124 |
125 | Burundi | 125 |
126 | Barbados | 126 |
127 | Chad | 127 |
128 | Montenegro | 128 |
129 | Dominican Rep. | 129 |
130 | Papua New Guinea | 130 |
131 | Syria | 131 |
Africa Avg | 83.6 | |
World Avg | 82.0 | |
q=163. |
Refugees & UN Treaties Lower is better30 | ||
Pos. | 2017 Rank30 | |
1 | Austria | 1 |
2 | Germany | 2 |
3 | Netherlands | 3 |
... | ||
142 | Syria | 142 |
143 | Mauritania | 143 |
144 | Rwanda | 144 |
145 | Chad | 145 |
146 | Central African Rep. | 146 |
147 | El Salvador | 147 |
148 | Bahamas | 148 |
149 | Marshall Islands | 149 |
Africa Avg | 104.5 | |
World Avg | 82.0 | |
q=163. |
Impact of Terrorism Lower is better48 | ||
Pos. | 2019 Score48 | |
1 | Togo | 0.00 |
2 | Mongolia | 0.00 |
3 | Swaziland | 0.00 |
... | ||
110 | S. Africa | 4.51 |
111 | Israel | 4.53 |
112 | Iran | 4.72 |
113 | Chad | 4.76 |
114 | Russia | 4.90 |
115 | France | 5.01 |
116 | Indonesia | 5.07 |
117 | Nepal | 5.09 |
Africa Avg | 3.41 | |
World Avg | 2.78 | |
q=150. |
#capitalism #economics #health #inequality #life_expectancy #poverty #social_development
Inequality in Life Expectancy Lower is better49 | ||
Pos. | 201949 | |
1 | Iceland | 2.40 |
2= | Singapore | 2.50 |
2= | Hong Kong | 2.50 |
... | ||
177 | Congo, DR | 36.10 |
178 | S. Sudan | 36.20 |
179 | Mali | 36.70 |
180 | Nigeria | 37.10 |
181 | Somalia | 38.90 |
182 | Sierra Leone | 39.00 |
183 | Central African Rep. | 40.10 |
184 | Chad | 40.90 |
Africa Avg | 26.10 | |
World Avg | 14.59 | |
q=184. |
Income Inequality (Gini Coefficient) Lower is better50 | ||
Pos. | 2023 %50 | |
1 | Slovakia | 24.1%51 |
2 | Slovenia | 24.3%51 |
3 | Belarus | 24.4%52 |
... | ||
99 | Dominican Rep. | 37.0%53 |
100 | Solomon Islands | 37.1%54 |
101= | Burkina Faso | 37.4%51 |
101= | Chad | 37.4%53 |
103 | Burundi | 37.5%52 |
104 | Sri Lanka | 37.7%55 |
105= | Togo | 37.9%51 |
105= | Israel | 37.9%51 |
Africa Avg | 40.7% | |
World Avg | 36.5% | |
q=167. |
Income inequality data is rarely available for Chad - only for 3 years between 1980 and 2019.
Multidimensional Poverty Lower is better56 | ||
Pos. | 2018 Severity56 | |
1 | Armenia | .001 |
2 | Ukraine | .001 |
3 | Serbia | .001 |
... | ||
94 | Madagascar | .453 |
95 | Mali | .457 |
96 | Central African Rep. | .465 |
97 | Ethiopia | .489 |
98 | Burkina Faso | .519 |
99 | Chad | .533 |
100 | S. Sudan | .580 |
101 | Niger | .590 |
Africa Avg | .264 | |
World Avg | .154 | |
q=101. |
#belief #buddhism #Chad #christianity #god #hinduism #islam #judaism #religion #religion_in_chad #religiosity #secularisation
Religiosity (2018)42 | ||
Pos. | Lower is better %42 | |
1 | China | 3 |
2 | Estonia | 6 |
3 | Czechia | 7 |
... | ||
78= | Jordan | 85 |
79 | Palestine | 86 |
80= | Uganda | 86 |
80= | Chad | 86 |
80= | Niger | 86 |
83 | Kenya | 87 |
84= | Mozambique | 87 |
85 | Congo, DR | 88 |
86= | Nigeria | 88 |
86= | Nicaragua | 88 |
88 | Djibouti | 89 |
89= | Ghana | 89 |
89= | Guatemala | 89 |
91 | Honduras | 90 |
92= | Cameroon | 90 |
92= | Rwanda | 90 |
World Avg | 54.3 | |
q=106. |
Disbelief In God (2007)57 | ||
Pos. | Higher is better %57 | |
1 | Vietnam | 81 |
2 | Japan | 65 |
3 | Sweden | 64 |
... | ||
122= | Niger | 0 |
122= | Saudi Arabia | 0 |
122= | Rwanda | 0 |
122= | Cameroon | 0 |
122= | Philippines | 0 |
122= | Kuwait | 0 |
122= | Madagascar | 0 |
122= | Nigeria | 0 |
122= | Malawi | 0 |
122= | Chad | 0 |
122= | Nepal | 0 |
122= | Morocco | 0 |
122= | Mauritania | 0 |
122= | Mali | 0 |
122= | Senegal | 0 |
122= | Oman | 0 |
World Avg | 9.9 | |
q=137. |
Data from the Pew Forum, a professional polling outfit, states that in 2010 the religious makeup of this country was as follows in the table below58:
Christian | 40.6% |
Muslim | 55.3% |
Hindu | 0.1% |
Buddhist | 0.1% |
Folk Religion | 1.4% |
Jewish | 0.1% |
Unaffiliated | 2.5% |
The CIA World Factbook has slightly different data, and states: Muslim 53.1%, Catholic 20.1%, Protestant 14.2%, animist 7.3%, other 0.5%, unknown 1.7%, atheist 3.1% (1993 census)59.
Freedom of Religion and Belief: Although the Constitution says the state should be secular, some policies favor Islam25, for example, in the use of public lands for building places of worship60.