Pages Tagged with #netherlands

Main page:

Netherlands (Kingdom of the Netherlands)

Human Truth Foundation pages (181):

Islam and the West: Pluralism, Immigration and Danger, in the following sections:

Accepting Assisted Suicide: A Focus on UK Law, in the following sections:

Human Rights and Freedom in Netherlands, in the following sections:

Human Rights and Freedom in Kuwait, in the following sections:

Multinational Corporate Tax Evasion, in the following sections:

Human Rights and Freedom in Guatemala, in the following sections:

Human Rights and Freedom in Haiti, in the following sections:

Human Rights and Freedom in India, in the following sections:

Human Rights and Freedom in Indonesia, in the following sections:

Human Rights and Freedom in Iran, in the following sections:

Human Rights and Freedom in Iraq, in the following sections:

Human Rights and Freedom in Japan, in the following sections:

Human Rights and Freedom in Jordan, in the following sections:

What is the Best Country in the World? An Index of Morality, Conscience and Good Life, in the following sections:

Human Rights and Freedom in Kenya, in the following sections:

Human Rights and Freedom in Colombia, in the following sections:

Human Rights and Freedom in Lebanon, in the following sections:

Human Rights and Freedom in Libya, in the following sections:

Human Rights and Freedom in Malaysia, in the following sections:

The Internet and Religion, in the following sections:

Human Rights and Freedom in Mexico, in the following sections:

Human Rights and Freedom in Morocco, in the following sections:

Human Rights and Freedom in Georgia, in the following sections:

Human Rights and Freedom in Nigeria, in the following sections:

Human Rights and Freedom in Oman, in the following sections:

Human Rights and Freedom in Peru, in the following sections:

Human Rights and Freedom in Philippines, in the following sections:

Human Rights and Freedom in Qatar, in the following sections:

Human Rights and Freedom in Russia, in the following sections:

Human Rights and Freedom in Kazakhstan, in the following sections:

Human Rights and Freedom in Bosnia & Herzegovina, in the following sections:

UK Brexit from the EU: Disorganized, Unclear and Unprepared, in the following sections:

The Banning of Face Coverings such as the Niqab and Burqa in Europe, in the following sections:

Human Rights, Equality and Freedom in Iceland, in the following sections:

Human Rights, Equality and Freedom in Algeria, in the following sections:

Human Rights, Equality and Freedom in Armenia, in the following sections:

Human Rights, Equality and Freedom in Argentina, in the following sections:

Human Rights, Equality and Freedom in Australia, in the following sections:

Human Rights and Freedom in Bahrain, in the following sections:

Human Rights and Freedom in Azerbaijan, in the following sections:

Human Rights and Freedom in Bangladesh, in the following sections:

Human Rights, Equality and Freedom in Belarus, in the following sections:

Human Rights and Freedom in Egypt, in the following sections:

Human Rights and Freedom in Bolivia, in the following sections:

Religious Clothing and Symbols in Secular Democracies, in the following sections:

Human Rights and Freedom in Brazil, in the following sections:

Human Rights and Freedom in Canada, in the following sections:

Human Rights and Freedom in Chile, in the following sections:

Human Rights and Freedom in China, in the following sections:

Human Rights and Freedom in France, in the following sections:

Human Rights and Freedom in Finland, in the following sections:

Human Rights and Freedom in Germany, in the following sections:

Human Rights and Freedom in Norway, in the following sections:

Human Rights and Freedom in Poland, in the following sections:

Human Rights and Freedom in Sweden, in the following sections:

Human Rights and Freedom in the Cote d'Ivoire (Ivory Coast), in the following sections:

Human Rights and Freedom in Belgium, in the following sections:

Human Rights and Freedom in Hungary, in the following sections:

Human Rights and Freedom in Venezuela, in the following sections:

Tax Evasion, in the following sections:

Human Rights, Freedom, Tolerance and Equality in Asia: Statistical Comparisons, in the following sections:

Human Rights and Freedom in Yemen, in the following sections:

Human Rights and Freedom in Jamaica, in the following sections:

Human Rights and Freedom in Croatia, in the following sections:

Human Rights and Freedom in Ghana, in the following sections:

Human Rights and Freedom in Estonia, in the following sections:

Blasphemy and Censorship: In Christianity and Islam, in the following sections:

Human Rights and Freedom in USA, in the following sections:

Human Rights and Freedom in Saudi Arabia, in the following sections:

Human Rights and Freedom in Paraguay, in the following sections:

Human Rights and Freedom in Italy, in the following sections:

Human Rights and Freedom in Latvia, in the following sections:

Human Rights and Freedom in Spain, in the following sections:

Human Rights and Freedom in the UK, in the following sections:

Human Rights and Freedom in Austria, in the following sections:

Human Rights and Freedom in Bulgaria, in the following sections:

Human Rights, Freedom, Tolerance and Equality in Africa: Statistical Comparisons, in the following sections:

Comparing Small Islands on Human Rights, Freedom, Tolerance and Equality, in the following sections:

Which are the Best Countries for Human Rights, Equality and Tolerance?, in the following sections:

Human Rights and Freedom in Denmark, in the following sections:

Human Rights and Freedom in Greece, in the following sections:

Human Rights and Freedom in Tanzania, in the following sections:

Human Rights, Equality and Tolerance in the Middle East: A Very Unhappy Picture, in the following sections:

Human Rights and Freedom in South Africa, in the following sections:

The European Union: Democratic Values, The Euro, Crises and Migration, in the following sections:

Human Rights and Freedom in Vietnam, in the following sections:

Human Rights and Freedom in Singapore, in the following sections:

Human Rights, Tolerance and Equality in Europe, in the following sections:

Human Rights, Tolerance and Equality in The Caribbean, in the following sections:

Human Rights and Freedom in South Korea, in the following sections:

The Americas: Which Countries are Best at Human Rights, Tolerance and Equality?, in the following sections:

Which are the Best Mediterranean Countries at Human Rights, Freedom and Tolerance?, in the following sections:

Human Rights and Freedom in Thailand, in the following sections:

Human Rights and Freedom in Tunisia, in the following sections:

Human Rights and Freedom in Uruguay, in the following sections:

Human Rights and Freedom in Turkey, in the following sections:

Human Rights and Freedom in Serbia, in the following sections:

Human Rights and Freedom in Uganda, in the following sections:

Human Rights and Freedom in Ukraine, in the following sections:

Human Rights and Freedom in United Arab Emirates, in the following sections:

Religion in Europe: 4. The Banning of Face Coverings such as the Niqab and Burqa in Europe

Crime Fighting Within the EU: Why Should the UK Stay in Europe?: 1. Crime Fighting (Eurojust and Europol)

Charity Across the World: 4. Aid to Developing Countries (2005-2006)

Christian Extremism, Intolerance and Resurgent Fundamentalism: 10. What is Creationism and Intelligent Design?

Islamic Violent Fundamentalism and Extremism: 2.2. The Lethal Consequences of Committing Blasphemy Against Islam (Intentionally or Not)


LGBT Rights Across the World: Which are the Best and Worst Countries?: 1. Current Trends

The Battle Between Monotheism and Homosexuality: Religious Prejudice Versus Equality: 4. Attained Gay Marriage Rights Across the World

United Kingdom: National Successes and Social Failures: 13. Brexit

Belief in the Theory of Evolution Versus Religious Faith

South Africa (Republic of South Africa): 1. Overview

Christianity: 4. Denominations

Bangladesh (People's Republic of Bangladesh)

Religion Versus Womankind: 3. International Data on Gender Inequality and Religion

Time to Move On: Religion Has Cost Too Much: 1.6. Anti-Semitism

Apostasy: Thought Crime in Judaism, Christianity and Islam: 1. Human Rights - Freedom of Belief

Approaching Death: Some Instincts of the Human Animal: 5. Assisted Suicide

Evolution and the Unintelligent Design of Life: Inherited Traits, Genetic Dysfunction and Artificial Life: 6.2. Creationism and Intelligent Design

Marriage: Its Diversity and Character: 7. Gay Marriage

The Awkward Europeans: The UK's Relationship With the EU: 5. UK Brexit from the EU: Disorganized, Unclear and Unprepared

Alienation and Dangerous Sexual Deviation: Society's Reaction to Child Abuse Often Makes Things Worse: 3. The 1970s and 1980s: Open and Public Paedophilia

Homosexuality in Animals and Humans: 5. Gay Marriage

Saint Martin (Collectivity of Saint Martin): 1. Summary

What is Science and the Scientific Method?: 3.1. Publishing Charges

Creationism and Intelligent Design: Christian Fundamentalism: 1. Introduction

Animal Sacrifice and Blood Rituals in Traditional World Religions and Satanism: 2.1. European Law

Belgium (Kingdom of Belgium): 1. Overview

Anti-Semitism: 2000 Years of Christian Love: 1. An Introduction to Anti-Semitism

Indonesia (Republic of Indonesia): 1. Overview

Luxembourg (Grand Duchy of Luxembourg): 1. Overview

Mauritius (The Republic of Mauritius): 1. Overview

Suriname (Republic of Suriname): 1. Overview

Islamophobia: Anti-Muslim Racism Versus 'The Race Card': 2. Criticize Islam's Ideas, Not Its People

Aruba: 1. Overview

A List of All Religions and Belief Systems

Which Countries Set the Best Examples? (Archived page from 2005-2007)

Human Rights and Freedom in Tajikistan: 4.2. Freedom of Thought

Human Rights and Freedom in Nepal: 4.2. Freedom of Thought

Human Rights and Freedom in Korea, North: 4.2. Freedom of Thought

Human Rights and Freedom in Papua New Guinea: 4.2. Freedom of Thought

Human Rights and Freedom in Rwanda: 4.2. Freedom of Thought

Human Rights and Freedom in Kosovo: 3.2. Freedom of Thought

Human Rights and Freedom in Somalia: 4.2. Freedom of Thought

Human Rights and Freedom in South Sudan: 3.2. Freedom of Thought

Human Rights and Freedom in Sri Lanka: 4.2. Freedom of Thought

Human Rights and Freedom in Ethiopia: 4.2. Freedom of Thought

Human Rights and Freedom in Swaziland: 4.2. Freedom of Thought

Human Rights and Freedom in Kyrgyzstan: 4.2. Freedom of Thought

Human Rights and Freedom in Turkmenistan: 4.2. Freedom of Thought

Human Rights and Freedom in Uzbekistan: 4.2. Freedom of Thought

Human Rights and Freedom in Zimbabwe: 4.2. Freedom of Thought

Countries With the Healthiest Cultures and Health Policies

Deforestation: 6. The Mennonites

The Benefits of Secular Government: Approaching Religion Fairly: 2. Freethought - Freedom of Belief and Freedom of Religion

Faith Schools in the West: Sectarianism, Segregation and Division in the Name of Religion: 1. Sectarian Faith Schools and Segregation Fosters Prejudice and Hinder Social Cohesion

Human Rights and Freedom in Chad: 4.2. Freedom of Thought

Human Rights and Freedom in Taiwan: 3.2. Freedom of Thought

Human Rights and Freedom in Sudan: 4.2. Freedom of Thought

Human Rights and Freedom in Liechtenstein: 4.2. Freedom of Thought

Immunizations: International Statistics on Vaccines and the Autism Scare

International Happiness: Which Countries and Regions are Most Happy?

The Unpopularity of the EU: 2. Misrepresented in the Press, and Scapegoated by Governments

The UK's Brexit Vote of 2016: What is the Will of the People?: 3. UK Brexit from the EU: Disorganized, Unclear and Unprepared

Freethought - Freedom of Belief and Freedom of Religion

Human Rights, Equality and Freedom in Afghanistan: 4.2. Freedom of Thought

Human Rights, Equality and Freedom in Angola: 4.2. Freedom of Thought

Human Rights and Freedom in Myanmar (Burma): 4.2. Freedom of Thought

Human Rights and Freedom in Burundi: 4.2. Freedom of Thought

Human Rights and Freedom in Mozambique: 4.2. Freedom of Thought

Human Rights and Freedom in Central African Republic: 4.2. Freedom of Thought

Human Rights and Freedom in Mali: 4.2. Freedom of Thought

Human Rights and Freedom in Cuba: 4.2. Freedom of Thought

Human Rights and Freedom in the Democratic Republic of Congo: 4.2. Freedom of Thought

Human Rights and Freedom in Ecuador: 4.2. Freedom of Thought

Human Rights and Freedom in Equatorial Guinea: 4.2. Freedom of Thought

Human Rights and Freedom in Eritrea: 4.2. Freedom of Thought

Human Rights and Freedom in Gambia: 4.2. Freedom of Thought

Human Rights and Freedom in Honduras: 4.2. Freedom of Thought

Human Rights and Freedom in Israel: 4.2. Freedom of Thought

Political Power Struggles and Identity Reinforcement: Why are People Religious?: 3. Mass Conversions

Human Rights and Freedom in Cambodia: 4.2. Freedom of Thought