Main page:
SwedenHuman Truth Foundation pages (134):
Scandinavia, the Crown of Civilisation:Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Finland and Iceland, in the following sections:
The European Union: Democratic Values, The Euro, Crises and Migration, in the following sections:
Honour Killings, in the following sections:
Denmark, in the following sections:
Estonia (Republic of Estonia), in the following sections:
Time to Move On: Religion Has Cost Too Much, in the following sections:
Approaching Death: Some Instincts of the Human Animal, in the following sections:
Islam and the West: Pluralism, Immigration and Danger, in the following sections:
Charity Across the World, in the following sections:
Human Rights and Freedom in Sweden, in the following sections:
What is the Best Country in the World? An Index of Morality, Conscience and Good Life, in the following sections:
Human Rights and Freedom in the Cote d'Ivoire (Ivory Coast): 4.1. Anti-Semite Opinions
Human Rights, Equality and Freedom in Iceland: 4.1. Anti-Semite Opinions
Human Rights, Equality and Freedom in Algeria: 4.1. Anti-Semite Opinions
Human Rights, Equality and Freedom in Armenia: 4.1. Anti-Semite Opinions
Human Rights, Equality and Freedom in Argentina: 4.1. Anti-Semite Opinions
The Historical Slave Trade and Modern Slavery: 3.3. Economic Interests then British Opposition
Human Rights, Equality and Freedom in Australia: 4.1. Anti-Semite Opinions
Human Rights and Freedom in Bahrain: 4.1. Anti-Semite Opinions
Human Rights and Freedom in Azerbaijan: 4.1. Anti-Semite Opinions
Human Rights and Freedom in Bangladesh: 4.1. Anti-Semite Opinions
Human Rights, Equality and Freedom in Belarus: 4.1. Anti-Semite Opinions
Human Rights and Freedom in Brazil: 4.1. Anti-Semite Opinions
Human Rights and Freedom in Bolivia: 4.1. Anti-Semite Opinions
Human Rights and Freedom in Norway: 4.1. Anti-Semite Opinions
Human Rights and Freedom in Bosnia & Herzegovina: 4.1. Anti-Semite Opinions
Which Country in Europe Has the Most Immigrants Or Emigrants?
Human Rights and Freedom in Colombia: 4.1. Anti-Semite Opinions
Belief in the Theory of Evolution Versus Religious Faith
Human Rights and Freedom in Canada: 4.1. Anti-Semite Opinions
Human Rights and Freedom in Chile: 4.1. Anti-Semite Opinions
Human Rights and Freedom in China: 4.1. Anti-Semite Opinions
Human Rights and Freedom in France: 4.1. Anti-Semite Opinions
Human Rights and Freedom in Finland: 4.1. Anti-Semite Opinions
Human Rights and Freedom in Germany: 4.1. Anti-Semite Opinions
Human Rights and Freedom in Poland: 4.1. Anti-Semite Opinions
Human Rights and Freedom in Netherlands: 4.1. Anti-Semite Opinions
Human Rights and Freedom in Belgium: 4.1. Anti-Semite Opinions
Why Dislike the UK?: 8.2. Mess and Litter
The Benefits to the UK of Immigration: 2. Open Immigration and Free Labour Markets
United States of America: Foreign Aid: 1. The USA is the World's Biggest Giver
Christianity: 4. Denominations
Anti-Semitism: 2000 Years of Christian Love: 1. An Introduction to Anti-Semitism
Animal Sacrifice and Blood Rituals in Traditional World Religions and Satanism: 2.1. European Law
What is Science and the Scientific Method?: 3.1. Publishing Charges
Homosexuality in Animals and Humans: 5. Gay Marriage
Marriage: Its Diversity and Character: 7. Gay Marriage
Which Countries Do the Most Research and Development?
Which Countries Set the Best Examples? (Archived page from 2005-2007)
Latvia (Republic of Latvia): 1. Overview
A List of All Religions and Belief Systems
Which are the Best Countries in Europe?
Religion in Europe: 5.1. Religion in Scandinavia
Science and Religion: 5. Belief in Evolution
Human Rights and Freedom in Guatemala: 4.1. Anti-Semite Opinions
The Economic Benefits to the UK of Remaining in the EU
Islamic Violent Fundamentalism and Extremism: 2.4. Honour Killings
Human Rights and Freedom in Hungary: 4.1. Anti-Semite Opinions
Human Rights and Freedom in Bulgaria: 4.1. Anti-Semite Opinions
Human Rights and Freedom in Austria: 4.1. Anti-Semite Opinions
Human Rights and Freedom in the UK: 4.1. Anti-Semite Opinions
Human Rights and Freedom in Spain: 4.1. Anti-Semite Opinions
Human Rights and Freedom in Egypt: 4.1. Anti-Semite Opinions
Human Rights and Freedom in Italy: 4.1. Anti-Semite Opinions
Which are the Best Countries for Human Rights, Equality and Tolerance?: 0.10. Anti-Semite Opinions
Human Rights and Freedom in Greece: 4.1. Anti-Semite Opinions
Human Rights and Freedom in Estonia: 4.1. Anti-Semite Opinions
Human Rights and Freedom in Croatia: 4.1. Anti-Semite Opinions
Human Rights and Freedom in Yemen: 4.1. Anti-Semite Opinions
Human Rights and Freedom in Vietnam: 4.1. Anti-Semite Opinions
Human Rights and Freedom in Venezuela: 4.1. Anti-Semite Opinions
Human Rights and Freedom in Latvia: 4.1. Anti-Semite Opinions
Human Rights and Freedom in Paraguay: 4.1. Anti-Semite Opinions
The Nasorean Mandaeans / Sabians
UK River and Beach Pollution from Sewage: 3. Solutions to Reduce Sewage Overflows
Human Rights, Tolerance and Equality in The Caribbean: 4.1. Anti-Semite Opinions
Comparing Small Islands on Human Rights, Freedom, Tolerance and Equality: 4.1. Anti-Semite Opinions
Human Rights, Tolerance and Equality in Europe: 4.1. Anti-Semite Opinions
Climate Change Deniers: 5. Political Parties and Governments
Human Rights and Freedom in Jamaica: 4.1. Anti-Semite Opinions
Human Rights and Freedom in Ghana: 4.1. Anti-Semite Opinions
Human Rights and Freedom in Denmark: 4.1. Anti-Semite Opinions
Human Rights and Freedom in Ukraine: 4.1. Anti-Semite Opinions
Human Rights and Freedom in Uruguay: 4.1. Anti-Semite Opinions
Human Rights and Freedom in Jordan: 4.1. Anti-Semite Opinions
Human Rights and Freedom in USA: 4.1. Anti-Semite Opinions
Human Rights and Freedom in Mexico: 4.1. Anti-Semite Opinions
Human Rights and Freedom in Malaysia: 4.1. Anti-Semite Opinions
Human Rights and Freedom in Libya: 4.1. Anti-Semite Opinions
Human Rights and Freedom in Lebanon: 4.1. Anti-Semite Opinions
Human Rights and Freedom in Kuwait: 4.1. Anti-Semite Opinions
Human Rights and Freedom in Nigeria: 4.1. Anti-Semite Opinions
Human Rights and Freedom in Kazakhstan: 4.1. Anti-Semite Opinions
Human Rights and Freedom in Oman: 4.1. Anti-Semite Opinions
Human Rights and Freedom in Japan: 4.1. Anti-Semite Opinions
Human Rights and Freedom in Iraq: 4.1. Anti-Semite Opinions
Human Rights and Freedom in Iran: 4.1. Anti-Semite Opinions
Human Rights and Freedom in Indonesia: 4.1. Anti-Semite Opinions
Human Rights and Freedom in India: 4.1. Anti-Semite Opinions
Human Rights and Freedom in Haiti: 4.1. Anti-Semite Opinions
Human Rights and Freedom in Kenya: 4.1. Anti-Semite Opinions
Human Rights and Freedom in Singapore: 4.1. Anti-Semite Opinions
Human Rights and Freedom in Georgia: 4.1. Anti-Semite Opinions
Human Rights and Freedom in Uganda: 4.1. Anti-Semite Opinions
Human Rights and Freedom in Turkey: 4.1. Anti-Semite Opinions
Human Rights and Freedom in Tunisia: 4.1. Anti-Semite Opinions
Human Rights and Freedom in Thailand: 4.1. Anti-Semite Opinions
Human Rights and Freedom in Tanzania: 4.1. Anti-Semite Opinions
Human Rights and Freedom in Morocco: 4.1. Anti-Semite Opinions
Human Rights and Freedom in South Africa: 4.1. Anti-Semite Opinions
Human Rights and Freedom in United Arab Emirates: 4.1. Anti-Semite Opinions
Human Rights and Freedom in Serbia: 4.1. Anti-Semite Opinions
Human Rights and Freedom in Saudi Arabia: 4.1. Anti-Semite Opinions
Human Rights and Freedom in Russia: 4.1. Anti-Semite Opinions
Human Rights and Freedom in Qatar: 4.1. Anti-Semite Opinions
Human Rights and Freedom in Philippines: 4.1. Anti-Semite Opinions
Human Rights and Freedom in Peru: 4.1. Anti-Semite Opinions
Human Rights and Freedom in South Korea: 4.1. Anti-Semite Opinions
Not from the Human Truth Foundation, but still relevant (1):