Pages Tagged with #italy

Main page:

Italy (Italian Republic)

Human Truth Foundation pages (49):

Why People Hate the USA: A Summary of Anti-Americanism, in the following sections:

The Cathars / Albigenses (12th-15th Century Christianity), in the following sections:

The Demographics Crisis (The Increase in Life Expectancy is Raising the Old Age Dependency Ratio), in the following sections:

Human Rights and Freedom in Italy, in the following sections:

Types of Christianity in History: Who Were the First Christians?, in the following sections:

The European Union: Democratic Values, The Euro, Crises and Migration, in the following sections:

The Banning of Face Coverings such as the Niqab and Burqa in Europe, in the following sections:

Croatia (Republic of Croatia): 4. Human Rights, Equality & Tolerance

Argentina (Argentine Republic): 1. Overview

Astrology: Do Observed Positions of the Planets Influence Our Lives in Mystical Ways?: 3.1. Poor Predictions, Statistically Disproved

Which Countries Set the Best Examples? (Archived page from 2005-2007)

The Internet and Religion: 3.2. Christianity

Christianity and Women: Biblical Misogyny and Male Dominance: 2.8. 15th-18th Century: The Malleus Maleficarum, Witch Hunts and Anti-Midwifery

The End of the World is Nigh! The Dangers of Apocalyptism and End-Times Beliefs: 7.4. Stoffler's Predicted Flood of 1524

Religious Clothing and Symbols in Secular Democracies: 3.1. The Banning of Face Coverings such as the Niqab and Burqa in Europe

Ethiopia (Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia): 1. Overview

Religion Versus Womankind: 1. The Dominance of Men in Traditional Religions

Opt-Out Organ Donation Schemes: 2. Organ Donor Rates By Country

The Population of the Earth: 4. The Demographics Crisis (The Increase in Life Expectancy is Raising the Old Age Dependency Ratio)

Evolution and the Unintelligent Design of Life: Inherited Traits, Genetic Dysfunction and Artificial Life: 6.2. Creationism and Intelligent Design

Anti-Semitism: 2000 Years of Christian Love: 4. 6th-11th Century: Non-Christian Cultures were not Anti-Semitic or Intolerant

Mithraism and Early Christianity: 5. A Solar Cult: Sunday as the Day of Worship, and December 25th

Legislation and Faith: Religious Rights and Religious Wrongs: 7.2. Displaying Religious Symbols on Classroom Walls in Ofena, Italy, 2003

Blasphemy and Censorship: In Christianity and Islam: 3. Christianity

Alcohol: The Social & Medical Effects and How to Combat Misuse: 6. Case Example of a Country Going Wrong: Increasing Alcohol Abuse in the UK

Arian Christianity (the Father is Greater than the Son): A Precursor to Modern Christianity: 2.2. Arian Christianity No Longer Oppressed

The Awkward Europeans: The UK's Relationship With the EU: 1. Opt Outs, Vetoes and Blackmail

Life Expectancy and Longevity: 2. The Demographics Crisis (The Increase in Life Expectancy is Raising the Old Age Dependency Ratio)

Misinformation and Fake News on Immigration in the UK: 4. Newspaper Distortions; Case Examples

Countries With the Healthiest Cultures and Health Policies

Human Rights and Freedom in Croatia

Human Rights and Freedom in Poland

The Christian Dark Ages of Europe: 2.1. The Renaissance: The Slow Return of Secular Scholarship from the 12th Century

The Historical Slave Trade and Modern Slavery: 1. Slavery in the Ancient World

The Effects of Overpopulation: 4. Old Text

Which Country in Europe Has the Most Immigrants Or Emigrants?: 2. Popularist Bigotry

Vatican City (State of the Vatican City): 1. Overview

When Was Jesus Born? What Year, and Which Day?: 2. On What Day of the Year Was Jesus Born? December 25th?

Libya (Great Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya): 1. Overview

Christian Extremism, Intolerance and Resurgent Fundamentalism: 10. What is Creationism and Intelligent Design?

Rupert Murdoch and News Corp's Involvements in Politics: 1. The Size of the Empire

What the Worst and Most Horrible Genetic Diseases?: 1. Genetic Diseases

Crime Fighting Within the EU: Why Should the UK Stay in Europe?: 1. Crime Fighting (Eurojust and Europol)

Religion in Europe: 4. The Banning of Face Coverings such as the Niqab and Burqa in Europe

UK's Increasing Costs of Alcohol Over-use: 1. Getting Drunk on Stats

Creationism and Intelligent Design: Christian Fundamentalism: 1. Introduction

The United Kingdom Suffers as a Result of Poor National Health

UK Trash Culture: 1.1.1. Binge Drinking & Pub Culture

Immunizations: International Statistics on Vaccines and the Autism Scare

Not from the Human Truth Foundation, but still relevant (1):

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