The Human Truth Foundation

Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas)

By Vexen Crabtree 2013


Falkland Islands
Islas Malvinas
StatusDependency (Overseas Territory)
Land Area
LocationSouth America, The Americas
GroupingsSmall Islands
Population3 198
Life Expectancy
ISO3166-1 CodesFK, FLK, 2381
Internet Domain.fk2
CurrencyPound (FKP)3

1. Overview

#argentina #spain #UK

Although first sighted by an English navigator in 1592, the first landing (English) did not occur until almost a century later in 1690, and the first settlement (French) was not established until 1764. The colony was turned over to Spain two years later and the islands have since been the subject of a territorial dispute, first between Britain and Spain, then between Britain and Argentina. The UK asserted its claim to the islands by establishing a naval garrison there in 1833. Argentina invaded the islands on 2 April 1982. The British responded with an expeditionary force that landed seven weeks later and after fierce fighting forced an Argentine surrender on 14 June 1982. With hostilities ended and Argentine forces withdrawn, UK administration resumed. In response to renewed calls from Argentina for Britain to relinquish control of the islands, a referendum was held in March 2013, which resulted in 99.8% of the population voting to remain a part of the UK.

CIA's The World Factbook (2013)5

Book CoverControversially fought over but still staunchly British, the Falkland Islands sit isolated in the wild Southern Ocean, home to penguins, waterbirds, a few humans and lots of sheep. Most people associate the Falklands (known as Isla Malvinas in Argentina) with the 1982 war, which saw Britain regain control after an invasion by the Argentine military. These days the islands are a popular stopover for Southern Ocean cruise ships and intrepid wildlife watchers. Bays, inlets, estuaries and beaches create an attractive and tortuous coastline boasting abundant wildlife. These sea islands attract striated and crested caracaras, cormorants, oystercatchers, snowy sheathbills and a plethora of penguins - Magellanic, rockhopper, macaroni, gentoo and king - who share top billing with sea lions, elephant seals, fur seals, five species of dolphin and killer whales.

Stanley, the islands´ capital on East Falkland, is an assemblage of brightly painted metal-clad houses and a good place to throw down a few pints and listen to island lore. Elsewhere in `Camp´ - as the rest of the islands are known - you´re more likely to bump into a sheep or a penguin than a person.

"The World" by Lonely Planet (2014)6

As a territory of the UK I do not have many specific statistics for this territory in its own right.

2. Falkland Islands's Responsibility Towards The Environment

#biodiversity #deforestation #over-exploitation #the_environment

This rank is calculated from 1 data sets. The Falkland Islands does better than average in terms of its forested percent change 2000-20207.

Forest Area Change 2000-2020
Higher is better
105=St Kitts & Nevis0.0%
105=Falkland Islands0.0%
105=St Barthelemy0.0%
The Americas Avg-2.1%
World Avg-0.1%

3. Religion and Beliefs

#buddhism #christianity #hinduism #islam #judaism

Data from the Pew Forum, a professional polling outfit, states that in 2010 the religious makeup of this country was as follows in the table below8:

Folk Religion0.1%

The CIA World Factbook has slightly different data, and states: Christian 67.2%, none 31.5%, other 1.3% (2006 census)9.


There isn't much information in the database for Falkland Islands, most likely because it is either a part of another country (i.e., a territory or possession) and therefore most international statistics are counted for the country as a whole, or, this is such an exotic place that little data exists about it.