The Human Truth Foundation

Martinique (Overseas Region of Martinique)

By Vexen Crabtree 2013


Overseas Region of Martinique
StatusProto Dependency (Overseas Region)
Land Area
LocationNorth America, The Americas, The Caribbean
GroupingsSmall Islands
ISO3166-1 CodesMQ, MTQ, 4741
Internet Domain.mq2
CurrencyEuro (EUR)3

1. Overview

#france #french_guiana #guadeloupe #martinique #mayotte #réunion

In the early 21st century, five French overseas entities - French Guiana, Guadeloupe, Martinique, Mayotte, and Réunion - became French regions and were made part of France proper.

CIA's The World Factbook (2013)5

Book CoverSouthern Martinique has great beaches, fishing villages and lots of activities to keep you busy, while the north, with its mountains and botanical gardens, is perfect for hikers and nature lovers. A slice of Gallic culture in the Caribbean, Martinique is an overseas département of France. While it´s noticeably more tropical than the mainland, there´s no denying the very French rhythm of life here. This is great for Francophiles, although it can also give rise to Martinique´s - at times - distinctly un-Caribbean air.

Volcanic in origin, the island is a mountainous stunner crowned by the still-smoldering Mont Pelée, which wiped out Martinique´s former capital of St-Pierre in 1902. Long luscious beaches, great diving and giant mountains covered in tropical forests are the main attractions here.

Far more developed than much of the Caribbean, Martinique suffers from uncontrolled urban sprawl in some places, particularly in and around the busy capital, Fort-de-France. Those wanting to avoid the modern world´s encroachment should head to the beautiful beaches of the south or to the mountains of the island´s remote north.

"The World" by Lonely Planet (2014)6

As a territory of France I do not have many specific statistics for this territory in its own right.

2. Religion and Beliefs

#buddhism #christianity #hinduism #islam #judaism

Data from the Pew Forum, a professional polling outfit, states that in 2010 the religious makeup of this country was as follows in the table below7:

Folk Religion0.2%


There isn't much information in the database for Martinique, most likely because it is either a part of another country (i.e., a territory or possession) and therefore most international statistics are counted for the country as a whole, or, this is such an exotic place that little data exists about it.