The Human Truth Foundation

Contribute Opinion Pieces to the Human Truth Foundation


We are looking for submissions on topics of rationalism, human progress, critical analysis of international affairs, and other related topics. Let us know what you want to write about, and we'll consider it!


1. Criteria for Submissions

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2. Editorial Policies


3. Use CE and BCE, not AD and BC


Wikipedia notes how the standard transition from BCE to CE is made according to ISO-8601 international standards.

There are also two older, deprecated, denominators, used widely by Christians from the 8th century onwards2. Before this BC/AD notation became popular, the Christian church used 753BCE as the starting-point for calendars, which was the founding year of Rome2.

CE has the same value as AD, and BCE has the same value as BC. They are interchangeable systems. CE and BCE are the correct terms to use for reasons of fairness. Less than a third of the world is Christian, and expecting others to conform to a religious convention that is not their own is immoral - the neutral system of CE and BCE is far fairer1. Using the term "BC" and "AD" shows inconsideracy for others' feelings and beliefs (unless of course they do not know the difference (like most people), which is why I wrote this!). Choosing to use "BCE" and "CE" is to avoid endorsing any religion, and is therefore suitable for communication in the modern world.

For more, see:

4. International Date Format


The YYYY MM DD date format is the internationally agreed concise format for unambiguous dates and ought to be adopted by everyone. It is logical, with the biggest denominators being listed first (the same way as numbers, times and weights are), making it easily sortable and utterly clear. The International Organization for Standardization specification for the International Date Format is the ISO-8601 format, adopted so far by the computer industry in general (due to the advantages of sorting by dates in filenames), United Nations, commerce groups, scientific communities and some Western governments, although most individuals generally continue to use culture-specific date formats. "2005 03 29" is an example of an ISO-8601-compliant date.

For more, see: