The Human Truth Foundation

French Guiana (Overseas Region of Guiana)

By Vexen Crabtree 2013

French Guiana
Overseas Region of Guiana
StatusProto Dependency (Overseas Region)
Land Area
LocationSouth America, The Americas
Life Expectancy
ISO3166-1 CodesGF, GUF, 2541
Internet Domain.gf2
CurrencyEuro (EUR)3

1. Overview


In the early 21st century, five French overseas entities - French Guiana, Guadeloupe, Martinique, Mayotte, and Reunion - became French regions and were made part of France proper.

CIA's The World Factbook (2013)5

Book CoverA small slice of France in South America, French Guiana is an intriguing colonial outpost with Gallic flavours in a Caribbean climate and tales of hardship from prisons of the past. French Guiana is a tiny country of cleaned-up colonial architecture, eerie prison-camp history and some of the world´s most diverse plant and animal life. It´s a strange mix of French law and rainforest humidity, where only a few destinations along the coast are easily accessed and travel can be frustratingly difficult as well as expensive. As a department of France, it´s one of South America´s wealthiest corners, with funds pouring in to ensure a stable base for the satellite launcher. The capital Cayenne is a crossroads of the Caribbean, South America and Europe, in its architecture and its excellent food from croissants and Creolo dishes to Vietnamese pho.

But not even a European superpower can tame the vast, pristine jungle away from the city - you´ll find potholes in newly paved roads, and ferns sprouting between bricks while Amerindians, Maroons and Hmong refugees live traditional lifestyles so far from la vie Metropole that it´s hard to believe they´re connected at all.

"The World" by Lonely Planet (2014)6

As a territory of France I do not have many specific statistics for this territory in its own right.

2. Religion and Beliefs

#buddhism #christianity #hinduism #islam #judaism

Data from the Pew Forum, a professional polling outfit, states that in 2010 the religious makeup of this country was as follows in the table below7:

Folk Religion9.1%


There isn't much information in the database for French Guiana, most likely because it is either a part of another country (i.e., a territory or possession) and therefore most international statistics are counted for the country as a whole, or, this is such an exotic place that little data exists about it.