Pages Tagged with #futurism

Pages tagged with futurism or the future.

Human Truth Foundation pages (8):

Predicting the Future, in the following sections:

The Gradual Decline of Violence: 1. Don't Panic: The World is Not About to End and Western Culture is Safe

The EU is Always in Deep Crisis: Decades of Warnings: 4. Don't Panic: The World is Not About to End and Western Culture is Safe

Don't Panic: The World is Not About to End and Western Culture is Safe

General Neophobia in Everyday Life: Humankind's Fear of Progress and Change: 4.1. In What Ways are We Repeating the Same Mistakes, Right Now?

The Future of Human Telepathy

Evolution and the Unintelligent Design of Life: Inherited Traits, Genetic Dysfunction and Artificial Life: 3.6. A Design in Need of a Designer (And Evolution's Attempts to Cope)

The Importance of Current Events is Amplified by our Egos: 4.1. Everything is Better Than You Think

Not from the Human Truth Foundation, but still relevant (1):

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