The Human Truth Foundation

Midway Islands

By Vexen Crabtree 2013

Midway Islands
StatusDependency (Territory)
Land Area
ISO3166-1 CodesUM, UMI, 5811
Internet Domain2

1. Overview

The US took formal possession of the islands in 1867. The laying of the trans-Pacific cable, which passed through the islands, brought the first residents in 1903. Between 1935 and 1947, Midway was used as a refueling stop for trans-Pacific flights. The US naval victory over a Japanese fleet off Midway in 1942 was one of the turning points of World War II. The islands continued to serve as a naval station until closed in 1993. Today the islands are a national wildlife refuge. From 1996 to 2001 the refuge was open to the public; it is now temporarily closed.

CIA's The World Factbook (2013)5

As a territory of the USA I do not have many specific statistics for this territory in its own right.

There isn't much information in the database for Midway Islands, most likely because it is either a part of another country (i.e., a territory or possession) and therefore most international statistics are counted for the country as a whole, or, this is such an exotic place that little data exists about it.